Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Diane - thank you kindly, but we've been pointed at two useful websites to get help with it. The item has been made in some country where they needed to give a translated manual- why they can never ask a native English person to look over it before they issue the manual, I don't know!
  • Young fluffy Magpie sitting on our hedge this afternoon.

  • The last poppy of this year,  just coming out. 

  • WOW! LINDA That’s beautiful.

    News yesterday that “my” bus trips are to resume August to November. I am extremely doubtful that I shall go. There are four day trips and 4 longer (6 & 9 days) trips. Anticipating our state border opening mid July, three trips are to adjoining states - those that still get new covid cases. OK low numbers but I’m not taking the chance. I doubt if I shall even go on any day trip. For now, restrictions allow 23 on a 50-seater bus, but I wonder about air-con spreading the virus. I know the tourism industry needs help but I am too old to catch this awful thing.

    OH needs a new BP script and had a phone consult with Doc this morning; he rang eventually nearly an hour late. I told OH to sound positive or else he will have to have a real person to person consult. If he had his way he would not bother with the pills anymore <sigh>

  • Just a thought
    Today's generations cannot be responsible for past deeds and misdeeds.
    We can only regret the past, not change it. (Cathryn Corns & John Hughes-Watson)

  • Evening all. Just caught up with everyone's news but eyes are glazing over so won't try to respond. Left daughter's at 8:00 a.m.; got home at 5:30 pm. Drive through LA busy though not bad at all except that two trucks got into an argument just east of Indio, which hung everyone up for about 30 minutes

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.
  • Welcome “home” ANNETTE.

    News today that our state will open borders to WA, NT & TAS from midnight, scrapping 14 days quarantine. They have only new cases from travellers returning from overseas. Fingers and toes crossed there is no second wave.

  • Good Morning. Annette, glad you're back home safely. You'll be tired for a while after your marathon drive.

    Wet here, but should be relatively dry for my OH to play golf. I'm glad he's able to go, as he needs a break from listening to my swearywords over various technology problems we have at present. <sigh>

    Must get on with HW this morning, anyway, or we'll be living like slobs. Dreamt last night that we had a houseful of people, which is highly unlikely in the present circumstances!!

    AQ -- Good that it sounds as if you're getting back to some kind of normal: I don't blame you for not wanting to do much outside, as we feel the same, here. My OH has just had to admit on the phone that he has only been taking a half dose of his anti stomach acid meds: he now has about 6 months stock as he's still been collecting them. Don't get me started on men who think they know best about their own health!!!
  • My front door hanging basket is coming along nicely.....

  • I think the peonies still look wonderful, even when they're fading fast!