Hallo all:  Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.

  • Good Morning. Glad to have a fresh start as yesterday was another of Those Days, when things seemed to conspire to go wrong. Amongst other things, I was attacked by my granddaughters!! I was dusting in the bedroom and reaching over their photographs, when I knocked two metal framed ones off, onto my bare feet. As I was leaning and couldn't jump away, one of them fell right onto my foot, sharp corner first, and drew blood. I now have a puncture wound and a purple bruise on the top of my foot.

    After fighting with my sign in for my email for over an hour, (in vain) we went to bed and I got bad cramp in one of my legs. The blood pressure monitor I bought has stood forlornly as no point in fighting with it, it would only put mine up again, LOL!!

    Enough about my moans -- AQ, I hope you can soon resume your jaunts with your friend. I wonder if anyone will come to inspect the state of the Grand Design after a night of bad weather.

    Annette, glad you're travelling is going well. Take care xx
  • AQ - hope the tarp won't be flapping all through the weekend. Sorry about your friend - I know you have mentioned her poor health before, so assume this is a flare-up of a chronic condition.

    ANNETTE - pleased your journey was easy, but not nice to be greeted by that virus news there - be very careful.

    LINDA - I hope you will have an easier day today without any objects attacking you!

    A wet start today, so OH has been directed to cleaning the outside and inside of the fridge. Seems to be doing it quite willingly - must be as aware as I am how long since the previous time! Had a good breakfast - M&S meat box included chipolata sausages, and we had all been missing them; had them with poached egg, mushrooms and hash browns. Soup for lunch.
  • OG - I have been thinking about cleaning the fridge... I felt very lethargic yesterday, just couldn't be bothered doing very much. So I didn't.
    LINDY - sorry about your accident, I hope it heals quickly x I laughed at your description of your OHs attempt at cutting his hair! Goodness knows when mine will be cut, I look a real sight as it isn't long enough at the sides to tie back. I've chopped at my fringe but that is as far as it goes.
    PAT- So glad that you and your friend enjoyed the walk at Hever and managed to blow away some mental cobwebs.
    ANNETTE- I heard about the increase of cases in Arizona. Stay safe and enjoy being with the family :-)
    LYNETTE - I confess that I was also a little puzzled about the readings you quoted but I'm sure that you will enlighten us!
    Sorry for replies that I've missed out - got brain fog!

  • AQ - Sorry, meant to comment on the G D. It looks as if it has several roofs and not much garden?
    A pity that your chauffeur friend is unwell. I hope that she will be stronger soon.
  • Annette or anyone: 

    I was looking for a place where I could find Valomilks, a very old brand of candy bar from my childhood that is still made in a small place in Kansas. (It's two milk chocolate cups filled with flowing marshmallow cream and flavored with real vanilla--dreamy). Anyway, I happened across this website in my web travels that sells British branded foods for delivery to Americans. Thought I'd give you THE LINK. I noticed they had "Brit Kits" of British candies and snacks. I know you're enjoying your family, so no need to reply to this post right now. We'll chat when you get back.

  • I found the Valomilks for sale in a small town 20 minutes south of me. Yay!

    Image labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Diane, I have never seen candy like your picture anywhere, It looks yummy but rather calorific, We were not concerned with such details when we were children, though. Enjoy it when you manage to get hold of one!

    I like the list of British items. I was not surprised to see Marmite, but was pleased to see Lemsip. I tried in vain to find it when I was in Cincinnati. I think it is brilliant for colds.

    I had never been able to get a Home delivery for groceries, but last week, Waitrose sent an email about their new express service for up to 25 items. I needed some laundry liquid which I had been unable to buy in the shop, so sent for that, and some other heavy items to make shopping easier. It arrived during the time slot I asked for. I looked out of the window to see how it was delivered, and saw the delivery man get back on to a motor bike. I was quite impressed!
    Unfortunately, the laundry liquid was unavailable, but I will try the service again.

    Thanks to all for news. Like Heather I have brain fog, but like hearing what everyone else is up to.

    Lindy, I hope you had a less accident prone day.
  • Thank you, Rosy - today has thankfully been better.

    Went to see sis in law Sue this morning, my OH did some heavy lifting for her & then drilled 4 holes into a stone trough so that she can plant it up. We sat well apart in her garden & had our own drinks, but enjoyed a slice of home made lemon Madeira cake. This afternoon we emptied a trough of our own by the front door, which had been taken over by some awful kind of invasive grass. I'm not going to replace the pretty alpines I had in it, but plant a few hardy geraniums instead.

    We were supposed to have a roast chicken for dinner, but found that although its been a warm day, it had not thawed out from the freezer enough, so we had pork chops instead! We'll eat the chicken tomorrow. :-)

    I liked the British chocolate selection, what fun! Our chocolate is much nicer than the USA version, which I think we've discussed before, so I would need regular supplies delivered if I lived there. The chocolate goodies Diane likes looked yummy, though!
  • LINDY: The Valomilks are made in the same way as European chocolate, with the machinery set up in the same technique, etc. That's one reason they're so good. They use cocoa butter and cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast/Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and they use Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar. No preservatives and nothing artificial. Yum...


  • All I know Wendy is that she is going to concentrate on the Bothy in Grantown for the time being and will hope to scale it up when she can. A sad loss to Aviemore.