Hallo all:  Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.

  • Just a thought

    Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans it's lovely to be silly at the right moment. (Horace (65BC - 8BC))

  • Annette and all:

    Thanks for starting the thread, Annette. 
    My weekend trip was actually a small gathering of friends and family. My nephew's high school postponed the actual graduation ceremony until mid-July due to the virus, and it may not even happen then. My nephew says he isn't going to participate in the ceremony even if it happens, because he will already be in Indianapolis studying at the technical college for welding. 

    I'm really worried about my nephew moving to Indianapolis. It's a rough, violent city on a good day. But police have shot several people in recent months, and the city is experiencing ongoing civil unrest related to the national events. The National Guard has been deployed. My solidarity and support are wholeheartedly with the protesters. Unequivocally. I'm uneasy about my nephew, though, because he's never lived in a really big city before and he has some issues that could make adapting to all the changes in his life difficult.

    The cocoon seems to be expanding, Annette. I saw a post on Facebook that said a giant Luna Moth was seen at a state park near me this week, so maybe my fancy moth will be emerging soon, too. 
  • DIANE – Glad you are safely home. A worrying time for your nephew but perhaps he will be sensible and keep to his studies? The whole world is crazy – I wonder about my gr-children and what they will have to face. Waiting for news of the cocoon, I hope you don’t miss The Event.

    Shopping was pleasant & frustrating. Pleasant for catching up with a friend who lost her husband last month. Frustrating at chemist – I handed in 2 scripts for 2 eyedrops, as usual, came back later, only one dispensed, yet they charged for both. A short wait but I don’t want to be waiting, esp. in a chemist.

    Noises from the Grand Design, can’t see what they are doing. They were last on site a few hours last Wednesday. So far the southern half of the roof has taken about 2 weeks.

  • Good Morning. Wet again here. Sue had invited us to sit in her garden this morning, but it looks as if we shall go out to a shop instead.

    AQ - I specially like your quote for today. And I noticed how old it was, too!!

    Diane - A worry for you, about your nephew's plans. But you never know, it could be a good move for him, and broaden his horizons. I hope it all works out for him.

    Exciting news about the cocoon, but I bet it opens when you're asleep or elsewhere, LOL!

  • Lynette - I already sent for a blood pressure gadget, & it may arrive today. I've resisted the idea in the past, long before the lockdown, as, as you say, it could make someone neurotic about the readings. However, I do wonder if my medication is at the correct level and maybe this will sort that out. My mother had a stroke and I believe it could have been partly her blood pressure going up which was the cause so I don't want to follow her in that respect.
  • LINDY - my friend in Wales has a BP monitor - was advised by her GP to take readings morning and evening. It feeds into her iPad and when she sees the practice nurse, monthly, she just hands the iPad over. There is a school of thought that says your readings taken at home regularly, when relaxed, will give a much more accurate account than those taken at the surgery .....
  • Heather - I can vouch for that! My blood pressure soars as soon as I walk into the surgery.

    Diane - Welcome home. Glad your cocoon didn't decide to open while you were away. I'm sure we're all agog to know what happens next. Difficult situation with your nephew - he is probably excited at the prospect whereas you (and possibly the rest of his family) are concerned for his safety. No easy answer …

    Drizzly and murky here this morning, but mild. Will I go for a walk later? hmmm … Hope it improves before Friday, when a friend and I are planning the Great Escape - a walk around the lake at Hever Castle! We have been looking forward to it since 23 March ...
  • Morning all;  Two very hot days here.   Blech.

    Diane:  Does your nephew have an apartment yet?  The odds are he'll be fine.  How long does his course last and does he have any idea where he wants to live beyond that?

  • Annette: The college uses a nearby big apartment complex as dorms. My nephew will share a unit with 3 other young men. It has two bedrooms and a common kitchen. The course lasts less than a year, and he'll be studying at the college but also working on a work site in an apprenticeship for the local union to get his certification. I don't know where he'll go once he has his certification. He'll be working directly for the labor union, not a company/corporation.
  • Diane: Well I can see your point - sharing with three other young men who may or may not be observing social distancing. If it isn't one thing (drugs/alcohol/protests/the wrong friends or all of the foregoing); it's another. Still, there's a point at which we have no control over our younger family members and I know for a fact that worrying doesn't help at all. Send positive energy his way - you're good at that! :-)