Poole Harbour Osprey Project MAY to end of 2020 season

/JULYLast month's thread.

ALL PICTURES AND VIDEOS: ©PooleHarbourOspreyProject

Beautiful female, Rutland's CJ7:

The hoped-for partner for CJ7, local male LS7, has not yet appeared.  CJ has been tending the nest daily and yesterday she took everyone by surprise, producing an egg - which took us by surprise by surviving... until midnight at least ;)

  • I liked the slide show and spider dismantled web is fascinating. Thank you Scylla
  • Unknown said:
    I liked the slide

    I just had a look at it and the pics look rather fuzzy :(

    I was dreading it would bring the family ;)

    It sounded like CJ7 landing on the campost @ 07:29... I can't detect her leaving but she probably has.  Done up to 10:20 (with a short outage on most YouTube streams @ 09:20-ish).

  • scylla said:

    Cirrus said:
    I liked the slide

    I just had a look at it and the pics look rather fuzzy :(

    I was dreading it would bring the family ;)

    It sounded like CJ7 landing on the campost @ 07:29... I can't detect her leaving but she probably has.  Done up to 10:20 (with a short outage on most YouTube streams @ 09:20-ish).

    CJ7 has changed colour overnight

    Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    CJ7 has changed colour overnight

    She heard that you weren't happy, RICHARD, and went to the beauty salon for a makeover as soon as lock-down was lifted Heart eyes

    She was on the nest for about 3 minutes this afternoon - didn't do much, fortunately, because the stream was ultra-glitchy - I tried to check it on rollback but couldn't find her.

    I think the spider has rebuilt the web but it's above the lens:

  • I've got a corrupted file from 14:15-20:15 approx, it plays with grey patches flickering thru it.  I think I would have seen CJ7 if she'd been on the nest for longer than a minute, so I'll say she wasn't.

    The next clip was routine, no CJ7 - and when nightcam kicked in we could see why Open mouth

    The rain stopped at about 22:40.

  • I know this is difficult to see... but this morning before 08:30 the deer entered from the "lane" in a tightish group and walked together down the side of the nest and disappeared, it was as if they were being led.  There were more deer than is apparent here.

  • Great find Scylla!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • The afternoon footage juddered all the way thru, so here's a slideshow of CJ7's afternoon 5-minute visit:

    Now!  I have to tell you the tale !!!

    Here I am, severely crestfallen after the diffulties and error with the faulty afternoon footage but mightily relieved to see that the evening footage is fine... and I'm scrolling thru, it's breezy, but how come all the sticks on the nest suddenly jiggled at once when nothing else happened?  Oh well, never mind, I've got lots else to do... but you gotta check, my bossy self tells me Angry

    So I narrowed it down and look what a reward we got Blush  (The sound was out of sync, I've done my best.)

    RICHARD will be very cross that we haven't got better resolution, and maybe also cos I've called them "variegated" - that's my own informal term and you'll see what I mean - how about the black ones, eg the one on the perch?  and tan ones.  I do hope they are Starlings, or I'll have a red face (but I should be used to that!).

    It started raining not long after nightcam:

    The font is set @ Normal but it's posting big, sorry Thinking

  • Well spotted, scylla! It’s a mixed flock of adult and juvenile starlings - the juveniles are much paler than the adults.
  • Great capture Scylla, another first for the nest, a flock of Starlings.

    Richard B