/JULYLast month's thread.
ALL PICTURES AND VIDEOS: ©PooleHarbourOspreyProject
Beautiful female, Rutland's CJ7:
The hoped-for partner for CJ7, local male LS7, has not yet appeared. CJ has been tending the nest daily and yesterday she took everyone by surprise, producing an egg - which took us by surprise by surviving... until midnight at least ;)
Oh, thanks GB -except , it isn't a Black Bird it's a Stone Chat
Richard B
Kind regards, Ann
Here's a couple of bad pictures of a male and female Stonechat I took today just down the road from the nest.
I'm hoping for more outside access to open up soon so we might be able to get some pictures of CJ7
Well, in that case Richard it's neither a Blackbird nor a Stone Chat but if you follow the bird flying around the nest at the end of the video it seems quite clear to me that it is not a Blackbird !!! I have Blackbirds foraging around my lawn for sultanas all day and they don't have a 'sort of ' rosy breast. Not even the juveniles . Oh, let me check the video again
Plus, the bird has a white wing bar and it's not a Blackbird's beak.
Will an expert please have a good look at this video cos I stand by my decision that the bird is not a Blackbird !!!!!!!!!!
Top picture is a Juvenile Blackbird Middle picture is a male Blackbird Bottom picture is a female Blackbird I rest my case
It's a shame - the Poole Harbour cam is great for CJ's wings but too grainy for showing detail on small, unfamiliar-looking birds.
Having said that, and even taking into account my appalling lack of expertise, I say that the beak is right for a Blackbird.
And it was back on the perch @ 15:10! ... and 17:00 !!!
That's it up to 23:44.