Link to April thread
Not a good start to the day from Louis. He arrives at 08.15 with an awkward stick and ends up standing on top of Aila. Ian
EDIT - 08.28, Louis is momentarily bothered by something. He stands up with a couple of warning calls but soon enough settles on the eggs again.
The happy couple, stick and eggs
(c) WT Loch Arkaig
14.56, Aila moves her head out of the way as Louis is incoming with a sensible stick (apart from the dangerous looking pointy bit). He puts it on the nest in a sensible place, that's not like him :) Ian
17.54, headless fish. Aila takes it in her beak and heads off the the left of the nest, so not enough time to see if she moved the fish to her talons before she was out of sight. Ian
Calm evening. No rain, no wind, a few birds singing their final songs of the day