Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 April 2020


The full super moon is the night of 7-8 April. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and has an easy week. Hang in there, folks! 

Here are some horses grazing Friday on the big sky prairie near Lafayette, Indiana, where I grew up. 

  • I have just lost a post. The shortened version is that I was also thanking everyone for posts, etc.

    I like your quotes AQ. I will pass the last one on to my neighbour who always seems to find that the last parking space left is under the 'poop tree' (it is a lovely tree otherwise)

    I think the trip Callum is making seems to be for a very good reason Heather.
  • Absolutely, Heather. An important delivery.

    Rosy, so annoying when you lose your post.

    Just been in the garden & on phone with Youngest, who had little one on his knee, pulling at his nose for most of our conversation! They made butter yesterday out of some cream they had, in the interests of scientific education. Also planted out some seeds which I expect the children will be impatient now, to grow.
  • How lovely, glad people are rallying around for them.
  • HEATHER  I do agree, Callums delivery is to vulnerable people and so a must do.

    My OH bought hair clippers just 2 days before lockdown.  We thought Bensons groomer would not be grooming at the mo, and so OH did it this morning and made a very reasonable job of it.  We thought the problem would be keeping Benson still, but the moment the clippers started to hum he was  fine. Well done to them both.

    Thought you might like to see these finger puppets that my friend knitted for her 8 month old Grandson who lives in Surrey.  It took 10 days for them to arrive and my friend was getting really worried as a great deal of work had gone into them.  They are on a stand that her husband made to keep them when not in use.  Friends Daughter SiL and Grandson were meant to be flying up today, but of course that has been cancelled. My friend usually goes to see them once a month for a few days but she won't be able to do that for a while.

  • What super finger puppets, dibnlib.

    Lovely weather here today, & my OH has mowed the lawn and also went around and mowed the lawns for our neighbours who lost their son recently - they're in their 80s and the gentleman is in poor health, so in the vulnerable category. My OH tried to be cheerful in his remarks, and did not enquire as to whether they would be able to attend their sons funeral. They all kept a large distance, whilst talking, of course!
  • A pretty daffodil, new for us this year. Might buy more of these as I like the white ones.

  • Can't remember if I posted this one yesterday. Tulip. 

  • dibnlib - Love those finger puppets! How very clever.

    Lindy - Love those flowers - so spring-like and cheerful. And don't we all need that at the moment!

    Getting so cross with those few people who are breaking the rules and still treating this like a normal Bank Holiday. It's so unfair on those of us - the majority - who are doing everything we're told. Some people just don't seem to care.