Link to march-2020

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Laddie (LM12) returned at 15:33 on 21st March > 


Scottish female NC0 arrived on the nest 28th March. Her info here >


It is with much regret to report that Lassie (LF15) did not return 

  • Hear hear Korky - missed some nests out and got into trouble !! OMG .Trust it was just a joke
  • That is such a lovely post, Korky...

    Laddie and NC0 have probably set up 'home' on another nest in the area. If he wasn't with her, wouldn't he still be adding sticks etc. to this one to try to attract another female? Just my thoughts to add into the mix :)
  • Cam is taking a look at the Loch.


  • I thought there was a flat LochNessMonster-like creature on it but it was the cam text, lol.

    Back to empty nest :'(


  • As your photo shows scylla, someone is currently scanning with the webcam. I guess from the visitors' centre? maybe they're looking for another nest site
  • It's a great view and brings back many memories of PT4 and PT5 last season, when they sat on the dead tree close to the Loch, and their flights to the nest when Laddie made a fish delivery Slight smile


  • I think that whenever an intruder appears on the nest, Laddie and NC0 have been coming to defend the nest, means they are somewhere in the Loch Area whether they are at the old frustration nest or not or at another we won't know until Lowes themselves publish a blog to say so.     I can vaguely remember where that nest was in relation to the one we see on the cam.   

    It is sad for us that they seem to have taken a dislike to this nest, as things seemed to be going well with them bonding, however it will still be a great result for Lowes if they have decided to breed elsewhere on the Loch.     

    EDIT: I agree with you Sandra, if Laddie was on his own he would still be coming to this nest and building it up to try and attract another female.  After all it has been his nest for the last 8 years so would have formed an attachment to it. Smiley

  • Thank you for your reminiscences and thoughts, SANDRA & MARY :-*


  • It is sad looking at the webcam and seeing the continued empty nest.

    HERE IS A DISCUSSION back in 2011 about the frustration nest at Lowes, you will see that ValMc has posted a couple of photographs of the then male Laird carrying sticks to the nest. 

    This is my photograph I took in 2014 of the plaque in the hide of the various locations around the loch which along with Val's photo confirms my thoughts on where the frustration nest was.   

    Information about the history of the nest which is on the wall of the visitor centre.   

    There was also a period between 2002 and 2012 that Loch of the Lowes did not ring their chicks.     From memory I think something happened to one of the chicks when put back in nest after ringing, that they decided to stop it.    If my memory is failing (which it often does these days) and have remembered wrongly I am sure someone will know the reason for the years of non-ringing.    

  • Thanks Mary, great thread. Sad to see so many names from the past, both osprey and human, that no longer seem to be around.