Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • Shocking greed being displayed by some but eldest daughter just told me about an event that moved her greatly -
    When she got home from work yesterday there was a carrier bag on the doorstep. It contained a few home cooked and subsequently frozen meals and the label stated that it was from one of our churches. Daughter knew there must be a mistake and contacted the number on the letter which was enclosed (which urged the recipient to contact the church if anything was needed). The church gave her the address where the food should have been delivered. Lucy went to the address which was not very near her but the same house number and slightly differently named road. A very elderly lady using a walking stick came to the door after a while and Lucy explained the unexpected delivery. The lady was completely overcome and tried to pay Lucy over and over again even though daughter explained the circumstances. I think they were both in tears!!
  • Bumping up! No news from us.

    WENDY - when will you hear more about Daisy? Thinking of you both.

    AQ - sorry trips can't happen - best that Chauffeur Friend stays home. Pleased to see your OH went out with you - he usually goes out a lot, so best if he can occasionally. Windows before walls seems rather unusual!
  • Heather - that's a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I can imagine the elderly lady's delight, and Lucy's joy at being able to make her life a bit easier. There are some really great stories around …

    Have just tried to put a church magazine together for April. It's full of stuff that won't happen - but I felt it was important for people to know what had been planned. Of course timing is never 'right' for events like this, but it means Easter, spring, VE Day street party etc etc etc will almost certainly not be celebrated as planned. The magazine, with a couple of hopefully uplifting articles, but nothing too 'skittish' (of which I have been accused in the past - can't understand why!!!). Although we need to keep a personal sense of humour at the moment, I think we need to be even more sensitive than usual about other people's feelings, and the fact that not everyone faces life and crises the same way).
  • A lovely story Heather.

    Pat - The mind boggles about anything 'skittish' you may have written. (we need to keep ourselves amused here).
    Agree that humour can be personal.

    We toasted our Golden Wedding couple in the communal gardens yesterday, standing six feet apart. We must have looked like a human chess game, but at least we got to congratulate them.
  • Heather:  Lovely story and good to know that churches are taking care of their parishioners.  

    AQ:  Congrats on getting your OH out - mine isn't the most, how should I say, active, so he may not even be aware he's supposed to stay home.  (Almost just kidding.)  :-)

    PatO:  Skittish - I've heard that applied to horses but not humor, unless they're referring to actual comedy skits.

    Rosy: Glad the couple were able to celebrate, even if no hugs involved.

    I'm now seeking out political news as a diversion from virus news whereas before I was avoiding it because it was so depressing.   Meanwhile, I see our Clueless Leader is still running his mouth.  I'd love to post a photo of the front cover of a recent New Yorker magazine, but I'm sure it's copyrighted.  Anyway, it shows Trump, his mouth wide open and apparently shouting about something - but with a face mask over his eyes!  If you're desperate to see, you can probably Google it.

    Sun is out today; rain forecast is now just for Sunday and then what looks like normal sunny days after that...

  • I've just cleaned the house - looked around, thought, 'if I'm going to have to spend so much time here....." And here I thought I could put it all off until the new floors are in - but who knows when that will be now. :-)
  • Annette - I think we will all have sparkling clean houses soon. Amazing what boredom does!! I plan all sorts of projects, plus a lot of reading that is for pleasure rather than for research … might get through all those books and magazines I have been piling up until I have time. Now I have rather too much …
  • Forgive me ladies for I have sinned ....
    I have short hair cut every 4/5 weeks . My hairdresser is amazing and have seen her every since I moved nearly 19 years. She took late maternity leave at 42 years old and couldn’t wait for her return. She now only works one day a week so we all book weeks in advance. Was due for cut on Monday and was wavering about going. She phoned this am to say the salon was closing for the foreseeable future so would I like my cut at 3pm. No time to think so said yes . All very civilised although busy and I washed my hair just before going so just a damp spray conditioner and they have 2 chairs away from the others so I had one of those . Feel guilty but so pleased I went. Elgin though was a ghost town.
  • Wendy, I don't think that was a sin. We can't expect to be imprisoned in our homes for a minimum of twelve weeks … taking care, keeping as far away from people as possible, washing hands etc should be fine. They are saying we should take exercise, mainly by walking - and the Chief Medical Officer has said we can play golf as long as we don't get too near to each other! I'm sure you felt better after your haircut.
  • Pat O I so do a short haired person will always be one. Left over from the days of being the 3rd of 3 daughters always a tomboy made to have plaits with ribbons. Yuk