Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • He may not be relevant - but he's still in the White House!
  • PatO: True.  But I think most of the states and local governments are ignoring anything that comes out of there, especially with regard to the the current flap.

    Meanwhile, the good news from here is that Target has instituted 'oldies' hours from 8-9 each morning, so I can zip up to Gelson's for the 7-8 oldies shift and then on to Target.  Oh, and San Francisco shut down all non-essential businesses a couple of days ago, but cannabis stores are not included, much to some people's relief. For myself, I'm glad there's no run on wine. 

  • Okay here - been busy sorting out church communications with OH today - will update our news tomorrow!
  • We are not closing state schools here, yet. Too many businesses would be affected (a third of health workers) as a parent would have to stay home to care for children. Older kids who could be unsupervised would probably go out to wherever their mates congregate, shopping malls, etc.

    Shops allowed to trade 24 hours to help those needing supplies. Some people complaining that delivery trucks are disturbing them by delivering at night. Gosh, people are so selfish. It is all Me Me Me.

    I decided to pay bills today, early just in case we have to self-isolate. Supermarket was not particularly busy but many shelves bare. I managed to get last packet of frozen peas. Two suburban lending libraries have closed, so I visited a local one, poor choice of non-fiction, came home with another 7 books. As I hiked back to car, I met a woman who could not remember where she had left her car. I felt mean as I did not offer to drive her around looking. A complete stranger, who knows if she was infectious? I sent Dau a text alerting her that her library may close. Miss8 is as voracious a reader as her Gran!

  • AQ:  Congrats on the peas!   Both counties on either side of Santa Barbara County have decided that residents should "shelter in place" which means no browsing in random stores, no eating out, no boozy nights at bars (all closed), no gatherings larger than whatever (50 there or 10 there), but restaurants can still stay open to prepare food "to go."  Essential services (groceries/pharmacies/gas stations/banks) can still be open  I suspect our County won't want to be left out and will join the plan sooner than later, so suggested to OH tonight that we zoom off to Chaucer's Book Store first thing and buy out the store.....   They're also delivering for free and providing curbside pickup.  I'm getting on their website as soon as I get off here!  (Note to self: Remember where you left the car.)   :-)  

  • Gosh, what a busy phone in my house since yesterday pm. All four of my children have issues connected with the dreaded lurgy.... all are to do with employment. Son has his shop with vastly decreased takings. His wife is a childminder and uncertain about things (England) Eldest daughter a team leader at a nursery, middle daughter works in two schools now closing down - she can't be deployed elsewhere because she is asthmatic and youngest daughter's husband stuck on an oil rig in the North Sea. I
    My brain is full to busting but I guess that most families are facing similar!!!
  • Heather:  Indeed - there isn't anyone I've spoken to this last week who doesn't have a family member not affected by all this.  My yoga teacher suspects she's going to be helping out her family with mortgage payments.....  

  • Heather - same with me - the phone was red hot - all we can do is reassure them and hope for the best and if inclined - Pray.

    All the very best to everyone and their near and extended family.

  • My youngest worries about me for some reason...
    Considering her job with students who are of the standard that education has to go on...
    Just had 2 fillings and route canal prep this morning...
    Not to mention the side swipe to her car last week which gave her whiplash and concussion . Car written off but delighted with payout and picking “ lush” new car tomorrow . The police phoned her and told her that the old biddy had handed in her licence. Not sure what age describes old biddy.
    She is checking on how much fuel I have and when is my next food delivery.
    As for aloof eldest sure I will hear from her at some stage .
  • Good WENDY that families are looking after each other. I'm not sure what counts as old, these days but my stepsons mother in law is still to be seen walking around town and she will be 90 this year...
    I'm getting the same kind of phone calls as you!