Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • LINDY - does that mean that the children and your son have to self isolate as well?
    Re the socks - oh dear ….. as OG (kindly) said, my OH was very smart when dressed but he was probably colour blind. So every night I used to put out his clothes for the next day, neatly arranged on his trouser press. Trousers in the press, shirt on the hanger bit, socks and underpants lying neatly on the top bit. He used to say that I spoiled him but I have a thing about -eg- brown trousers and blue socks worn together..... Maybe he was colour blind and I have OCD ???

    OG - I'm not liking what I'm reading about your immobility. Sending hugs.

    I'll have to run - going out to lunch with stepson and his wife and daughter. She is up here for a few days, lives in Brighton.
  • Pouring with rain here, from the early hours. And the same promised for tomorrow. And someone told me this morning that yet another named storm is heading our way. Whatever happened to Spring?????

    Lindy - good that your OH can get onto the golf course. Ours around here are still closed, and covered in standing water or even new lakes! Interesting to hear about the directive to self-isolate after a flight. Not really surprising if you think about it - planes recirculate air and anything that is in it. I was hoping to fly somewhere this year, but am now seriously rethinking ...

    OG - Do hope you are feeling better today. Dreadful to be in constant pain. Wishes from here for pain-free days and nights in the future.
  • Not taking leg to doc - not much point. I have appt 24th March with Orthopaedic consultant, and Rheumatologist has just sent his letter to GP (copy to me) re my visit to him a month ago, including referral for physio again. I am juggling painkillers to try to remain alert but minimise pain at the same time. Last night was not so bad, but the pain is definitely affecting the hip again, although not all the time. I am not good at living with it as everything is so frustrating, but I know there are plenty of people worse than me.

    Cleaner is here today - seems a short week since last time. Meal delivery is due - trying Wiltshire farm foods for the first time, to release OH for gardening!

    I see a truck-load of toilet paper went on fire somewhere is Australia yesterday - not a great help to the shortage (which is self-inflicted - no need to panic-buy)!

    Frost here earlier, but another bright sunny day
  • Just noticed I missed some posts while I was typing.

    LINDA - sorry about your D-I-L having to self-isolate - will she be paid or be able to work from home?

    HEATHER - my OH has no sense of co-ordinating colours - I often send him back to change socks or a jacket. Brown with blue is my chief dislike! I hope you are enjoying your lunch.

    PAT - I thought the forecast this morning said that the expected weather is not a named storm this time! Sorry you are already getting rain again.

    Food delivery man has not shown up yet - beyond promised time. I'll give him a bit longer before phoning the Glasgow office,
  • Heather, OG, Lindy - My OH also likes to wear "interesting " colour combo's. He thinks I am too boring!
    Add green and red to the mix and you will get the idea.

    It has stopped raining today but it is windy and not very warm. OH felt very tired after a sightseeing trip yesterday, so staying in today. I am going out into the garden now while he has a snooze.
  • Heather, OG, Lindy - My OH also likes to wear "interesting " colour combo's. He thinks I am too boring!
    Add green and red to the mix and you will get the idea.

    It has stopped raining today but it is windy and not very warm. OH felt very tired after a sightseeing trip yesterday, so staying in today. I am going out into the garden now while he has a snooze.
  • Sorry the weather hasn't picked up much, Rosy. Hope you can now sit in the garden, then.

    Our d.in.law has been working from home for a few days. Our son is not at work at present - "between jobs" (he is in IT and is very technical, so we're not worried) and Amber has been going to school as usual, as there are no signs of illness in the family. She went dressed as Goldilocks today for World Book Day. Son had to go & buy the outfit, even though she has a huge dressing up box full of stuff!
  • Morning all: Only comment about socks, etc., is a joke someone sent me, which is all too true: "When a man marries, he enters Assisted Living." Not as true with the younger generations I suspect....
  • We were once watching an item about people who become too controlling of their spouse. A dreadful thing, when they're told what to do all the time, and money is withheld. Often, they are told what to wear by the offending spouse. I cringed, wondering if my OH would comment, as many times I've said "Well, you can't go out in THAT!"

    But of course, he said nothing although we sometimes joke about his fashion sense, which is nil!
  • Annette - Hope you are managing to make some choices for the paint colours.
    I know I would have difficulties now. The colours we chose before, I still like. I would like more pale green, but OH is not so keen. He likes creams, but we generally manage to find some shade that we can both live with. Probably boring to other people.

    I went into the hotel garden and found the vegetable plot. There were several rows of brassica's, and some trees which looked like some type of citrus fruit, in bud. What an exciting time I had! I like to visit any type of garden, though.

    I hope you manage to have a reasonably comfortable night, OG.