Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • Butter wouldn't melt in those pics, would it!

    We still tell her occasionally what a Pain she was, then....
  • Lindy: Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it! The hail storm was not kind to my house, but I'm okay. 

    Hello to everyone!

  • Good evening, ALL.

    ROSY – sorry your holiday weather has changed, and that your OH has not felt well enough to do much. Nice that you could spend time in the hotel garden and chat with the gardener too.

    ANNETTE – don’t envy you over there the everlasting election – glad ours don’t go on so long, last year’s shenanigans were bad enough!

    AQ – Aussie toilet paper stockpiling and rationing was on our evening news bulletin! Only shortage here seems to be hand-gel sanitizer, but we are told soap and water are just as good.

    HEATHER – I really can’t imagine your well-turned-out Bill changing in the street – I am sure he was very discreet about it! Last night was bad again – I sat on the edge of the bed for an hour because I couldn’t even walk to the loo, then I remembered my heavier but very supportive walking frame, and that got me there and back! Can’t think why neither of us thought of it before. Difficult this morning getting up (took over and hour and a half) but we decided we would go out and it was lovely just to enjoy the drive through countryside with Daffodils lining the road. Lunch was good and our little bit of shopping there was successful – we even chose a new houseplant for the lounge (can’t remember the name) but having got it home, have swapped it with one in the dining room!

    LINDA – thanks for reminding us with Bonnie’s baby photos!

    Getting late – think I should find my comfy chair and read for a while!
  • Annette - We finished our cruise last year in Barbados and had a little drive around ending at an old plantation house for a buffet lunch before going to the airport. Very hot. As to my childhood days, it was a week in the summer holidays at Abergele in North Wales and we did that for the best part of 12 years to the same place. Its where my mum and dad had a brief honeymoon .

    OG - you are suffering with your leg - do hope you get some pain relief soon and that it will ease. Nice to see you managed to open windows for a brief time. Longing to do that here when we get a nice sunny day, its always nicer to freshen up the rooms.

    S-I-L rang yesterday with brief details - funeral not until March 20th at the Crematorium so we will be making our way up there that day. OH is last surviving brother (he is the middle one) of three. It will seem very poignant saying goodbye to him, he was my age.
  • Lindy - love your poem on the water fountain etc. Where are you off too, is it another cruise or perhaps an island. Wherever you are going enjoy the break and hope the sun shines.

    Afraid it riles me when people panic buy but I suppose its human nature. Will only keep shopping for what I want, have it delivered anyway. People seem to panic so easily when there is a threat of a virus hitting us. It will eventually run its course out or so I believe.

    Talking of coughs, OH still has his and he had the virus before Christmas. Not as bad as it was though.
  • Glad to see you post Diane. Hope all is not too bad with house. Stay warm and dry if you can.

    Talk of rain threatening the semi-final in Aussie between England and India - will it go ahead!

    OG - glad to hear you managed to get out and about - change of scene is often a moral lifter.
  • Diane:  Good to see you're okay, but not ood that your little house got hailed on badly....

    OG: I doubt I could sit on the side of the bed for that long if I were heading to the loo. Are you seeing the doc about what seems to be a sudden worsening of the pain?  

    Lynette: We even stayed with the same couple (B&B) when we went to Folkestone.  It was on Archer Road.   I even remember the number.  How far do you have to drive for BiL's funeral?

    CNN has some high-res photos of Mars taken by Curiosity Rover; some of the geology looks so familiar yet so alien at the same time. Made me wonder what it was like billions of years ago when there was water there....   https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/04/world/curiosity-rover-panorama-mars-scn-trnd/index.html

    Am about two days away from tossing all samples and just painting the whole darn house in the same paint already on there!  Arghhhh.

  • Good Morning. Minus 1degree here this morning. My OH just went out with Bonnie, and is now getting ready to play golf for the 1st time for a while.

    Annette, interesting pics of Mars! As you say, it does look strangely familiar! Sorry you've got a headache over the paint: once, when I couldn't find the right shade of pale yellow, we bought a darker shade and mixed some white into it ourselves - but we were doing the painting ourselves, so could control the process. Some decorating shops here will mix paint shades for you.

    Lynette, we're off to The Canaries again. If you count the early years when we went to Tenerife and Gran Canaria, it's been over 26 years!

    OG - You're having an awful time: I do hope the pain abates. Good that you were able to get out and about, and hope that the plants are happy in their new homes!

  • Quite bright, and dry here: got some laundry out. Seem to be doing everything at half speed - we were both whacked when we got home yesterday, just because we'd been out!

    My OH asked if he could help me with the packing - I do it all because we would arrive with nothing to wear if he did it. I said "Just put some socks in that bag". Today, I thought I'd better check on what he'd done. The first pair I looked at had huge holes in the heels. There were two other pairs made up of four navy blue socks which don't actually match, as they'd been put together from odd ones and supposed to be "To wear around the house!"
  • Our d.in.law has not long come back from New York on business. (She's in human resources) The USA based parent company asked her to self isolate for at least 4 days when she got home, apparently it's company policy around the world now.