Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • Its been frosty here: but it's dry. We're off to a nearby town together for a few things. I shall buy more loo rolls!! And some stocks of flour and butter, too, in case we need to isolate ourselves for a bit because the situation is worse on our return - we go on Wednesday next week.
  • LINDY/AQ - The scissors that I had to buy years ago, in a Tenerife supermarket, are the best that I've ever had and were Spanish price ie not expensive! They look and perform like hairdressers scissors. But I can understand about the toothbrush, LINDY! Once, my OH and I had an appointment with a lawyer in town, los Cristianos. On the way, we stopped for lunch and my dear boy spilt food on his shirt. It was very noticeable and I insisted that he purchased a replacement from one of the cheap open air shops. What a song and dance over what was probably about €8......... PS he bought it but I can't recall where he changed. Probably in the street?
  • Oh dear, Heather - I know the feeling!

    Meant to say, hope that Diane is OK as there were high winds in her neck of the woods, and we heard about the devastation of the tornadoes in Nashville, too. Keep safe, Diane xx
  • ROSY - I'm sorry about the poor weather but happy that you are having what sounds to be a relaxing time in Malta.
    OG - What kind of night did you have ? Enjoy the lunch!
    ANNETTE - the elephant tale made me chuckle - Good luck with the paint selection.

    Youngest son in law is on his way, we're going shopping for the wee birthday party on Saturday.
  • Went to nearby town with my OH - took a bag of books, oddments and a handbag which was so big that the bag split! to the charity shop - they know me in there, now! Maybe there won't be more for a while, though.

    We had a coffee in a new coffee shop, to try it out. Lots of smiling help but they forgot that I ordered marshmallow topping on my hot chocolate. Put it right with more smiles.. Had a short walk around to see new development in the shopping area. Bought supplies for Bonnie in Tesco - we leave her usual food with her when we go away so that she's familiar with it. I drove back, and got cut up by a big wagon, so saw my OH make a rude gesture to them!!

    We both feel better but I'm surprised that he's still got quite a cough, which began his illness weeks ago. Hoping it will finally go in a bit of dry weather.
  • Morning all:  

    OG: Hope you had a better night and managed to get out and enjoy a nice lunch.

    Lindybird:  Coughs can hang on for weeks after other symptoms have disappeared.  I suspect Diane is okay but those poor people in Nashville got nary a mention on the news last night what with the election....

    Several paint samples for the walls are up and we don't like them - too pink or too gray or too dark.  Only one remains a possibility.  Back to Square 2 or is it 3?   The lady at Home Depot's paint department is beginning to recognize me...   :-(

  • Diane has been on Facebook, and says she is OK, although I think her roof has suffered a bit.
  • Bonnie on the first day we met her, aged only four weeks!

  • Lindybird: Thanks for the news re Diane; I hope she'll let us know how things are..... Haha - whodathunk Bonnie would create such angst just a few months on!! :-)