Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • Good Morning. Raining and grey here, but I'm glad to report that I'm finally feeling better, after a boring few days of coughing, sneezing, dozing, and Not Doing Much. My OH had it worse than me, as he had it for ages before me, and is still chesty and coughing.

    Annette, hope things go well. My OH does seem to have the genes, as both of his sisters are the same: Sue has been known to move an entire roomful of furniture on her own, then stay up until 2.00 am, painting the walls and ceilings! She is two years older than me....

    I sometimes think I should hire out my OH as he loves to be busy.
  • Good morning, after another bad night with my right leg; that's three nights in a row. Pain becomes unbearable and I shout out loud, which wakes all of us up. I feel sorry for J as he still has to get to work in the morning.

    Sunny here, and warmer too - got windows open round the whole house to have an airing, but only for a short time. OH is going to clean all the bird feeders, so they have plenty front and back - they hadn't been coming in large numbers, but are building up now.

    LINDA - thanks for the Bonnie photos - she certainly knows how to relax! Glad you are feeling a bit better at last - hope your OH will soon improve.

    ANNETTE - good luck with the painting and decorating - hope your OH manages to keep out of the way - or maybe he will watch to learn how it is done! Definitely not going shopping with OH today - three different stores, so although they are quite near each other that means three times in and out of the car. Will stay at home and look forward to tomorrow's lunch.

    LYNETTE - I hope the date will be decided soon for your B-I-L's funeral. The waiting time is very stressful, but gone are the days when the first visit to the undertaker fixed all the details, and everybody knew what was going on.

    Just been handed a quote for a new agreement re checking our solar maintenance - OH wants me to read it through - all 17 pages! Remember trees!
  • Hope you can make it to the Garden Centre for your lunch tomorrow, OG. The leg pain sounds horrendous, but I know it's hard to go on strong meds for chronic pain. Let's hope you get a better night tonight.

    I felt well enough to go out on some errands, and get in some fresh veg. Also bought a few extra tins of things like soup, to stockpile - our only concern about going away is problems with coming home again - in the worst scenario, we might have to self isolate when we get back, although there are plenty of friends who would leave us fresh milk & eggs on the doorstep!

    Tired now, after my efforts. It's still raining here and we weren't surprised to read that February was the wettest ever recorded, or something like that! Our birds are still having a birthday party in the bird bath, though!
  • Morning all:

    OG: That leg pain sounds just awful; bad enough by itself but when you can't sleep...... Hope you can enjoy lunch tomorrow.

    Lindybird: Funny you mention bird baths. We had a mystery here Sunday morning: Late Saturday afternoon I cleaned out the fountain and filled it up - it has an upper small bowl and a larger lower one that hold multiple gallons. Next morning, I was chatting to my sister in the UK and looked out the window to see the lower bowl was almost empty. I've never seen the level drop so suddenly. I wondered if I had the pump set too high and the water was just splashing out but no - I filled it up again and there was no excessive splashing. Made sure it was topped up Sunday night and it's been okay since then. I can only think an elephant poked its trunk over the wall sometime Saturday night and sucked up all the water..... The only other possible explanation would seem to be that a family of raccoons had stopped by (some years back I awoke to find the heavy top bowl had been toppled over), but none of the ladders and other perches where the little birds perch over the water were disturbed.... All quite odd.

  • 'The Mystery of the Elephant in the Bird Bath' - someone should write the book! Perhaps Lindy's poetic brain can make something of it …

    It's DRY here today, the first day seemingly for weeks. Hope it lasts, and increases.
  • OG - How awful that you have had several painful nights. I do hope that things improve x Would J tolerate earplugs? I really don't know as I've never had to use them. In a very small way, I can understand the shouting. Many years ago I had a frozen shoulder which caused quite bad pain when I moved in bed. The noise I made was quite involuntary and woke me up, as well as waking the daughter in the adjoining bedroom.
    LINDY - I'm happy to read that you are feeling better and hope that your OH follows suit, soon!
    LYNETTE - yes, a long time to wait for the funeral, I agree...
  • The Mystery of the Bird Bath

    The strange thing about the Bird Bath
    I think you will agree
    Is how the water emptied out -
    Unbeknownst to you, or me...

    We didn't turn our heads to see
    The birds, or utter those quite unprintable words
    "What on earth are those giant #Registered*¢# humming birds!!"
    We'd then have seen something quite absurd.....

    For there, frolicking in the garden
    Enough to make any naturalist harden
    Were a dozen, dancing humming birds
    Throwing water to the wind - They were
    Doing the Tango, and The Spanish Fandango.....

    We found the bath quite empty later
    We blamed the elephants
    Belonging to a neighbour..
    But behind the bushes, the birds were snickering
    That we had missed their partying and bickering.

    They all resolved to return one day
    When there would be plenty of water
    For them to make hay!
  • Lindy - I knew you would meet the challenge! Well done. There you are, Annette, there is your explanation!
  • I have a few minutes to finish my Travel Tips.

    On the plane:

    These days, we're told we can only have one carry on bag, on most airlines. The best solution is to have a bag within a bag. I use a small plastic carrier bag, with a gusset so that it will stand up unaided, but you could use a small handbag. Fill this with everything Wanted on the Voyage, so to speak. I put in my Kindle, a puzzle book, biro, packet of paper hankies, hand wipes, small bag of jelly babies, purse in case I need to buy a drink, and some sheets of kitchen paper. My OH has his book, a newspaper, a soduko book and a biro. We whip these out as soon as we find our seats, and then put our luggage away in the locker. Your small bag can then sit on the floor by your feet - they never give you enough storage space on the back of the seat in front of you.

    After a while, my OH only has to open his bag to remove our food, which we take because we're not fond of airline grub. We usually have cheese or egg sandwiches and a bag of crisps. But.... take note of what is wafting by your ear, as sometimes we have to buy a meal on the return journey if we can't grab a bought sandwich. So we study what other people have, and make a mental note of whether we fancy any, later. We put our sandwiches into plastic boxes which are very useful later on, to keep biscuits or leftovers in.

    It doesn't matter, by the way, which seats we're allocated as they all have advantages and disadvantages - the inner seats means one of us can loll by the window, but the outer seats mean you can stretch out one leg at least, if you're tall like my OH. Also, you can stand up when you want (good for your health) and go to the loo without asking! We don't even care if we're split up, which doesn't happen very often anyway.
    ----------- --------- --------- ------------ ----------
    I always take a piece of hand luggage with tiny wheels, these days, to save trying to carry it a long way. My OH carries his passport in a small pouch around his neck as he often loses it (he can lose it in a walk of about five yards.....) and I carry a large purse with my passport, money and credit cards.

    Money: Years ago we heard a TV expert talking about money abroad. We need various kinds, anyway, when we go Self Catering. He advocated not putting all your eggs in one basket, so we take some Euros, or whatever the countries currency is, plus some British currency (useful on the plane) our credit cards, a Bank Card for our joint account, and a debit card which you can load up with Euros before you go, and then spend in shops and restaurants. We used to have one from Thomas Cook, but alas they are no more, so now we have one from Tui. If you have money left on it when you return, you can either draw it out or leave it in ready for the next trip.  If we have a lot of actual currency, I have a soft pouch to put some of this in, around my waist, and my OH has some in his wallet, too. That way we never lose the lot! Of course, a whole lot of these things go into the safe once we reach our destination.

    I don't make lists, any more. We've been so often that I just do some imagining about what we might wear in different situations. I do take a medicine box, which is an old ice cream carton with plasters, paracetamol, sting relief, mosquito repellant, etc.  My OH hates having to buy anything we might need, apart from food! Once, someone said to me, "Well, you don't need to stress about forgetting anything, you can buy new shorts when you get there, if you need!" I was silent, as the very thought would be The End of the World...... he once forgot his toothbrush and was grumpy all day because he had to buy one :-D

  • LINDY I'm quite convinced that your OH and mine were brothers!
    Meant to say, OG - our solar panel system was installed over thirty years ago and has never been serviced. Am I missing something? The only thing that gets serviced here is the gas boiler....