Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 January 2020

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon! 

The Full Wolf Moon occurs on 10 January (Friday). 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread where Lindy posted some adorable grandchildren pics!!!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • AQ - Terrible that the fires look to continue. I expect there will be a big fuss about culling the camels, but I remember seeing on tv years ago that they were becoming a real nuisance. Thanks for the suggestion to rotate our photos, it's worth considering. I'm waiting to see how many I will have room for on the new set up.
  • Small bungalow (well, smaller than this one) next door is up for sale. Old lady left about three months ago (into secure accommodation) and we had heard that her Son and D-in-L were moving in (they actually own it), but apparently have changed their mind. Sale board up, but not yet on agent's website. We have a shared garden wall up the two drives, and the garage is semi-detached (built as a joint project), so hope we get decent people in there.
  • Fingers crossed, OG. Neighbours can make such a difference. We were certainly relieved when we met our newest, next door.

    Been off doing my errands: started out with a problem as soon as I got to the first big intersection, as all the traffic was being redirected by road workmen, so had to go in the opposite direction to start with, go around a roundabout and come back again, just past where I had started out! (If you know what I mean)

    Found a Sale on in Sainsbugs, so bought some half price towels and a useful small saucepan. Also got some rolls of Christmas paper in another sale. When I got home, I met my OH in the driveway, and he looked rough: he'd struggled round the golf course. As he sat down and I got some lunch, I saw that his sister had arrived - she stayed for a cuppa and we had a good chat.

    My OH has gone out with Bonnie now, and looks whacked - I told him that he would get well once again, quicker, if he allowed himself to rest.

  • I'm chuckling, LINDY ! You are married to a farmer! That was one reason why my OH didn't want to take on the family farm, his brother was of the 'carry on at all costs' brigade and became the farmer.. My old boy was full of energy normally but if he caught a cold, would retire to bed with hankie in hand. One time, I asked him how long he thought he might have to stay in bed. The answer was ' maybe until Tuesday' !! It was probably Saturday when I asked the question....

  • Morning all.  Busy week so far with routine annual medical stuff.  I see online that some folks have their knickers in a twist over Harry and Meghan.  If the Royal Family needs someone to travel round the world all dressed up with all expenses paid, I'm available....

    Lindybird:  I admit I recognize your OH's resistance to rest....

    OG: Good luck here too re new neighbors   So is the January 18 date for J a go following yesterday's assessment?

    AQ: Amazing that introduced species seem to do so well wherever they're allowed to run wild, though never good for the original inhabitants (human or not).  Sigh.  Wonder if the DownUnder tour participants will be wearing those N95 masks

    Very windy and cool here today with showers this afternoon.  I have a coupon from Target promising $25 gift card if I spend a certain amount on 'household essentials' so I'm off to fill up on paper towels, cleaners, etc., etc....  then to Costco for an aisle-by-aisle browse of things I don't need and won't buy, but it's fun anyway...   Got the third season of Broadchurch form the library and binge watching that in the evenings...

    Take care all.

  • I woke at 3.30 am, couldn’t get back to sleep, likewise OH was already up. Now 6.30 am, I’ve had breakfast. KI bushfire still dangerous. Its smoke has spread to city and is so bad it has seeped inside the closed house. I certainly won’t go outside. Supposed to be cooler but where is the promised light rain?
  • AQ: So very sorry things are still so bad for you guys. Is anyone talking about wearing those N95 masks when you're out and about?
  • Hey, folks. There's a lunar eclipse on Friday (10 January) as well as a full moon. Here in the United States, we can't see the eclipse. However, the U.K. and most of Australia will be able to view it. You can find information about times, locations, etc. HERE

    AQ: I'm so very sorry about the conditions you are facing. As Annette suggests, please wear a mask to protect your lungs. I hope Australia will get some relief soon.

    Hello to all.