Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 January 2020

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon! 

The Full Wolf Moon occurs on 10 January (Friday). 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread where Lindy posted some adorable grandchildren pics!!!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • ANNETTE & DIANE – TV news shows people in bushfire areas wearing masks. Here in Adelaide we did not have any problem with smoke until last 2 days. I have kept the house closed up and cancelled any outings, eg my planned trip to library today. Waiting for the cool change winds to swing round to normal sea breeze to blow smoke away. More property lost on KI last night. It will be eastern states turn tomorrow. Next week low 30s expected here. We had 1½ hour power outage after lunch. When power returned we had no internet for another few hours. Books! And more books!
    Moon? What moon? It is overcast & smoky now. Will it be clear if I am awake early enough tomorrow morn?
  • Goodness, AQ, it's awful that you're being affected there. I heard that the sales of masks were so great they had run out of them. Do take care.

    Good Morning, Everyone. I've overslept after going to bed flaked out last night, but when I got up in the night I saw that my OH was resting peacefully, so I'm hoping it's done him good - his cold is now settling on his chest and he's probably going to have a heavy cough. Told him that if he wants to get rid of this thing he will have to take it easy for a few days.....

    Going to empty our big sideboard this morning, and try to shed a few items. Excited about getting the new furniture but not sure if it will hold the same amount of stuff.
  • Looks as if the penumbral eclipse will be at a sensible time here - and maybe clear sky at that time, although we are in for some stormy weather on Saturday.

    AQ - sorry your skies turned with the weather and you got those horrible fumes even inside the house - do take care - and I hope your little people are okay.

    LINDA - do try to get OH to be sensible - don't want him going down with pneumonia!. I do hope you can fit all the necessities in the new furniture, but maybe you will need to get rid of some of the infrequently used things, such as Christmas "special" crockery!

    Nothing special happening here, all routine stuff.
  • Dull weather here - not sure whether to try & dry some towels on the line as there's no wind.

    OH is "resting" by doing some puzzles and reading one of the books he got for Christmas. Here's hoping he will have a snooze after lunch, but not holding my breath!

    OG - I put all the special Christmas crockery back under the stairs with the rest of the stuff - a box of mugs and a plastic box of various plates, joined this year by four new small plates which I couldn't resist, so nice to have a mince pie or a shortbread! My resolve when we moved house to here to have less "pots" went out the window when I inherited my mother's huge collection!

    Not started on my packing up yet as distracted by putting other things away, and getting some nuisance calls, Grr!

  • Latest bulletin: My OH actually had a snooze this afternoon, then had a good cough and went out with Bonnie for some air - he says he feels better when outside, which is probably true in the winter as the central heating makes the air dry. The sun came out brightly for a couple of hours this afternoon, but its still a cold wind when you're out.
  • LINDA - glad he rested and had a snooze; hope he will cough less tonight so you can both get some sleep.

    We both seemed to find more energy today, so OH planted some bulbs this morning which had lain forgotten in the shed - I think we may have crocuses in May and Tulips in June! And this afternoon I went with him to our local Tesco. It was cool with a breeze when we went, but cold with wind when we came back! J has decided to obey the local weather advice and not try to go out by train tomorrow - he will hope to go out locally for a new pair of slippers for the hospital!
  • Just read all your news.
    Lindy can empathise with you re OH. Usually leave him to manage a cold , cough himself. Usually have to myself with no sympathy.. Mind you he does sit around most of the day doing b.all. Get fed up with it but as I don't drive and have to rely on a lift anywhere I try and organise it for when we do have to pop out for something.. Off to the dentist on Monday for annual checkup and Thursday - followup re my cataract op. End of moan.

    AQ - watching the fires on our news. So devastating and now 2 have merged into one mega fire. I know the authorities are doing all they can. Do hope that those who have lost their homes can rebuild once the danger is over.

    Weather down here has been reasonable today if not a little cooler but they reckon on it getting a degree or two warmer and windy in the next couple of days, along with rain.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • Still very dark here: last night there was a very bright and almost orange new moon, but we didn't see any eclipse as it was cloudy at the time.

    Good Morning Everyone. Saturday here already. My OH had a good night without much coughing, which should do him good. I still feel alright, touch wood -- can't believe I'm not catching it from him although I did have a dull head a week ago so maybe fought it off. Hope so.

    So cross that the events with the Royals are being compared with the Wallace Simpson affair, years ago - it's not the same situation at all!!
  • LINDA - I think you did see the eclipse - it was that which made it look like a new moon. because part was missing in the penumbra! I must plead guilty over the royal situation - I have referred to Mrs Sussex as "The American Woman" from the beginning, and sadly he definitely has inherited his mother's susceptibilities. And I was shocked that they left that baby over in Canada while they came back to orchestrate their departure! I hope the Queen, Prince of Wales and Prince William, heir apparent, will receive sound advice and can sort this out soon for the sake of the monarchy in this country - horrible that HM is having to deal with this at her age.

    Weather warnings were correct for our area - but haven't heard of any bad incidents overnight or this morning - just a lot of noise and bluster. Watching the Willow tree swaying and bending, but I think it is "willowy" enough to tolerate these frequent wild gusts.
  • Morning all:  Marvelous full moon last night - and this morning too!  I went out to get the newspaper from the driveway and stood and stared at this pale yellow moon in a soft blue sky, trying to get a sense of the distance and how it just hangs there, our constant neighbor....  

    I'm off to do a few errands in Ventura today and plan to be back around lunch.  I'll be starting the new thread tonight (or anyone can for that matter) because Diane's area is under storm, flood, you-name-it threat and she's not sure she'll have power.  I think she'll building an ark in her garden.....

    I have mixed feelings about the Royal situation.  Had a strong upbringing (taught by nuns yet!) regarding 'duty' and 'responsibility' so uneasy with folks dumping unattractive parts of their (very privileged) life, leaving others to pick up the slack.  One comment I read online referred to 'another American' who hasn't got what it takes (though Wallis Simpson had more than enough of whatever it took but was thwarted nevertheless).  Yet another commentator noted that smaller local charities benefit hugely from an HRH showing up at their fundraisers and wondered how H&M's withdrawal could affect them.   Oh well.   As I said, if they need someone to travel the world all expenses paid......

    Take care all