Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2019


Photo: Aurora Borealis
U.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • OG -- There do always seem to be dreadful events at this time of year - earthquakes and fires, etc. I remember how awful it was just after Christmas 2004 when the big tsunami struck - we only heard the grim details of that a week later, when it was New Year and news filtered through of the huge loss of life.

    We are tidying up after last night, eating leftovers and putting away seasonal plates till next year. Tonight we will each have a dessert which we can't even finish - my OH will have some of the big plate pie mince pie I made, and I'll enjoy a passion fruit cheesecake. We did try, as we sent our guest home with a quarter of the pie! But there's still lots left.

    Got some laundry out on the line but don't expect it will dry properly, there's hardly any wind. My OH has been out with the short ladder to take down the outside lights in the back garden but leaving the rest until Sunday.

    Heather, hope I wasn't preaching to you/at you. Just trying to help, and send {HUGS}

  • Morning all:  I see I've missed all kinds of posts about ghastly state of Oz, latest mid-east fiasco and antics of The Orange Pumpkin, various family comings and goings, when to take down decorations (doesn't Christmas end on the 12th day - January 6 - feast of the Epiphany and/or arrival of Three Kings?).  Regardless, I think ours will come down this weekend, though as Wendyb noted, those little lights will be missed.   We have tiny multicolored ones (no flashing or twinkling) draped around the living room and it's always so cozy when they're on.  Outside it's the old-fashioned colored lights, but when they're gone, we'll still have the tiny white solar lights draped around the fences and the trellis over the front walk.   Have probably mentioned this, but neighbors have thanked us for those coz it let's them know when to turn right onto their street (the neighborhood can be dark).  :-)

    Have paperwork to finish up today, then out until 1:30.  Plumber was here yesterday for leak under bathroom sink; he'll be back today with a replacement part.

    Take care all.

  • No LINDY, I didn't think you were preaching x
    Everyone copes in their own way. I'm just concerned for my friend because after three years she still hates to be alone and is almost desperate for company.
  • Hello all: Annette, I have also had to call in the services of the plumber. We had a leak from our Megaflow (required for 3rd floor flat). We noticed it on Boxing day, and hoped that we would not get a call from neighbour downstairs. Fortunately not. Plummer came last Monday, and had to get the inevitable replacement part. Meanwhile, one of my best vases (which was the only one to fit in the space), was put to good use. With frequent emptying, it did the job.
    The plumber returned yesterday and we are now leak-free.
    January 6th is the traditional day to take down the lights etc, but I always think they look a bit sad after New Year's day. The granddaughter is still here, so I will leave ours up until she leaves on Sunday.
  • Evening all from Suffolk.

    Firstly AQ I can't imagine what your poor country folk are going through - it must be terrifying. Then of course the poor animals. Someone posted on twitter a photo of a Joey that got caught in a fence and died in the fire - just awful. I saw your Prime Minister coming in for some flack - what's your opinion - is it justified? The press seem to have already made up their minds but they do over egg everything. Anyway - all the very best to you and yours over this coming weekend and do keep us updated as to how things are.

    My visitors did come after all. My Friends Partner's Mother died on the 30th and it was expected, so they still came as he thought it would help take his mind off things, which it did. Although he was quieter that usual which is only to be expected.

    We somehow managed to fit everyone in my tiny 2 bed terrace and although I have offered up my bed, my friends 80 year old Mother said she couldn't manage my steep stairs so slept on my sofa bed, which is very comfortable.  With only 2 bedrooms I made sure I bought a good one with an extra thick mattress.

    We had some nice walks in Aldeburgh, stopped for coffee at The White Lion hotel on the seafront and there was a pianist playing all the old show songs which was lovely.

    The evening at the theatre there was so enjoyable. It is always a worry when you recommend something - I was holding my breath until I could hear them all laughing, so all in all a success.

    Now for the bah humbug - I think it is all too much fuss and would rather have just a much simpler time - I am aware that that sounds awful, but like whilst I love seeing everyone like Heather I am happy with my own company.  But to each his own.

    I started back at work yesterday so today but it did not feel like a Friday but I am grateful for a slow start to the new work year.

    Have a good weekend all - hope all our weather is kind to us all and all suffering from ailments - I hope you recover soon.

  • Thanks for the interesting posts. Also, thanks t o Harelady for reminding me that its Friday - I've completely lost the plot now and have only just now put my towels into the washing machine, which usually gets done on a Thursday! - Have enjoyed the festivities but will be glad to get back into some sort of routine.

    Had a message from Eldest, that they are all home safely after their week away in Cape Verde, where they went to seek some sunshine. Have had pics of our Amber having had her hair braided, and playing with bucket & spade in the sand.
  • Harelady:  Good to see you and read that the visit went well.  We had a sofa sleeper once that was more comfortable as a bed than a sofa!

    Lindybird:  Back to the real 'normal' next week.

    Rosy:  Our leak is fixed too.  Agree that Christmas lights look a little sad once NY is done.  I may zoom out and whip them off the fences now....   :-)

  • Heat has moved eastwards; cooler but humid here. Smoke haze over city so we can’t open up to air house. Serious fires on Kangaroo Island merged and have burnt ¼ of the island, including Flinders Chase National Park, fire not controlled but light rain falling. No word on losses. Small fires elsewhere in SA yesterday. The only highway between SA & WA has been closed several times in past 2 weeks due to WA fires.

    HARELADY – I feel some sympathy for our PM. The backlash started when he took a holiday in Hawaii before ꭓmas. Leaders do need a break and he had promised his daus (aged 11 & 9). He didn’t think like a great leader. Then there are the people obviously upset when they have lost their homes, farms, businesses. They are angry and need to express this.  They don’t realize recovery cannot be instant and certainly not while the emergency is happening. People are impatient – we see it when, say, a plane is delayed. The victims scream & yell “They are not telling us anything”, when probably, those in charge don’t know either or can’t do anything yet. I’m not saying I would be any better!

  • Took lights down; was more exhausting than putting them after we coiled them and the extension cords and packed them all away. Simplify, simplify......

    AQ; I tend to be naive and think people are doing the best they can under whatever circumstances a crisis occurs; but then again..... I read on the BBC website (or somewhere) that some time back someone - gee I'd make a great reporter!! - said that Australia was "the canary in the coal mine" when it comes to climate change. I gather your PM is another one with his head in the sand over this..... Meanwhile, our idiot leader is busy making things worse in the mid-East. Arghhh Hope your air improves soon and of course ongoing wishes for thing to cool down down under.
  • ANNETTE – I don’t remember the exact figures but Aussieland produces about 1% of world’s carbon emissions. I know it would set a good example to rest of world, but even if we reduced by, say 20%, it would not make a great difference to the world. A dilemma is that by closing coal mines & environmentally unfriendly works, too many people will be out of work. I guess same thing was said when cottage hand-spinners & weavers were replaced by spinning & weaving machines. Complaints against greenies are emerging - they are against reducing fuel loads in national parks to protect wildlife. But when the fuel load burns so too the wildlife.

    Partway through above para I stopped to watch midday news. Two deceased in Kangaroo Island fire. PM announced callout of Defence Reservists to assist & fight fires in NSW, VIC, SA & TAS. Four extra water bombing planes.