Photo: Aurora BorealisU.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
AQ; Indeed. We are several decades late in 'doing something.' Did I mention that I was talking about the Oz fires with a man from Sydney at the gym last week.. He offered the opinion that the various fire fighting services in Oz may not be as well supplied (he was talking fire-fighting planes) or coordinated as they might be.... I was hearing an interview on NPR this afternoon about the huge number of volunteers fighting the fires and how they would only be reimbursed for wages lost. I've also been wondering about all the health issues likely to result from all that smoke. Take care.
Hallo to all; have a good Saturday.
AQ: Thanks for your two posts to me on Page 9. I appreciate the information. On any subject, the U.S. media's news coverage reflects the perspective of the corporations who own them. I've been following the news about Australia today (in addition to the U.S.-Iran developments). I feel so sorry for you and your OH having to breathe all that dangerous smoke and endure that heat. Protect your lungs in every possible way, AQ. I wish you, your family, and your country the best possible outcome. I hope conditions change for the better immediately.
Lindybird: Your question about electric vehicles' power sources got me wondering so I Googled it and found this: https://www.energy.gov/eere/electricvehicles/reducing-pollution-electric-vehicles. We learn all kinds of things on this thread! :-) And yes, electric vehicles are very stealthy. Hope trip south is easy with no back ups...
Diane: I agree that network and cable news outlets rarely give anything other than a 15-second 'headline' re issues, but do like NPR and the PBS News Hour - which I think do a good job of presenting both sides (the former especially). PBS seems to pick up a lot of reports and video from the UK's ITN . There's also an occasional News Hour segment I really like - the Under-Told Stories Project from the University of St Thomas in Minnesota, which is typically reported by Fred de Sam Lazaro.
Must do something constructive today.......
Take care all.