'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Oh Wow, that was quick!  Thank you!

    Unknown said:
    Middle Spotted with a red crown

    This is the one that's got me fuddled - it's in 2 parts, separated by a deer's head, and no fade transitions because I have faded ;)

    EDIT - I should have said "this is the one that had me fuddled".  Great video of yours, TeeJay, thank you very much!

  • This footage has been waiting for me to get around to it for 2-3 days!  What a delight to be greeted by a Genet early on.  It may be the one they're calling "Angel" in one of their videos.

  • scylla said:
    What a delight to be greeted by a Genet early on

    Gosh, I had to look that one up. I thought you'd miss-spelled gannet. But they're not furry so it couldn't be.

    Never seen a genet, thanks.

  • I don't recall seeing blotch-throated GSWs at LG:

    I'd already done the above when a better pose appeared:

    Ooh, these MSWs can be nasty!

    I'm going to try to cook some oven chips, haven't done that for decades (no chips at all for decades Tired face ) ... so I may be some time Grin

  • Oh my what a bulky, poor little sparrows, no wonder they never returned quickly! Had to laugh at the last fellow sitting bottom middle on the screen, after all the others had fled it was as if he thought, Mmm will I stay or not, nope getting out of here!

    Hope this chips were worth the wait!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I'm wondering if this has been posted somewhere inappropriate in the RSPB Community, because I'm sure I've done it but can't find it.

    It's just to record the Greenfinches, and in the original lost post I mentioned that I deserved another medal (another?  what was the last one for?) for remembering them from last season:

  • Lol, Scylla--yes, you have and it is on the Peregrine Falcon, Orange NSW thread after a couple of your lovely videos of the nearly grown up and returned-to-the-nest Peregrine chick, Izzi!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • scylla said:
    It's just to record the Greenfinches,

    Nice to see a greenfinch. I see they're training their squirrels to feed from the box - propping it open with a large nut. I fill my box with a variety of squirrel food, most of which they ignore (including the peanuts), only taking the hazelnuts and monkey nuts. They eat peanuts from the bird feeders. Go figure.

  • I don't remember seeing any squirrels yet, KORKY, but I've got about 30 hours saved up to go thru.

    I expect you've seen the ALBATROSS WEBINAR invitation Blush

    Unknown said:
    it is on the Peregrine Falcon

    I was stunned when I found it last night and after I'd deleted it I was going to post "Not even GARDENBIRDER has corrected me and she's the only one who will definitely have seen it" Smile 

    23 November

    I'm especially useless at these birds - Egret on the left ??? and White Stork on the right?

    The rabbits look ever so big here!  I suppose the unlimited nourishment must have something to do with it:

    The Middle (on the left) got some of its own medicine from a Great - and no-one can dispute my IDs from this shot Smiley 

    (...I hope.)

    24 November

    Robin is always first in:

    The first day I covered this cam there was a lovely Christmas card view of the Robin with a bunch of berries - I thought that I didn't have time to snap it and that there'd be plenty more opportunities, maybe with some greenery thrown in, but there haven't been, yet :(

    Little doll in different lights:

    I couldn't recognise this little tit - could it be a Willow Tit?  Or Marsh Tit? ( I've never seen either, as far as I know.)  Or maybe it's just a Great Tit with under-developed pattern, or a Coal Tit (which I haven't noticed here yet).

    I was very happy to see our angel-winged Greylag Goose in this little procession, we used to see it at the Pond last year:

    A short finale - Pheasant not showing respect!

    That's all I have - and no Christmas-card Robin, I'll download more when energy levels rise ;)

  • Don't worry Scylla--anything you post is a bonus! Have a lovely rest.

    Kind regards, Ann