'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Valerie D said:
    Just noticed some posts about Andrew Edginton , I met him and his father in the hide at Rutland MB several years ago and he is indeed very talented . When EJ did not return I got him to do a wonderful painting of her for me on slate , it is superbly done and stands proudly among my EJ possessions . Really lovely young man and he has featured on Springwatch/Autumnwatch as well .

    How envious we all are, Valerie - and this is one occasion I can confidently speak for everyone Wink

    Maybe one day you'll be able to take a photo of it and show us.


  • Another wildlife artist who features on Spring/Autumnwatch is Robert E Fuller, whose videos I share now 'n then - and he's about to release 2 rescued STOATS live on YouTube.  What a wonderful friend to Nature he is.

    And not only that - I thought that MIKE would like a glance at this on his birthday Heart eyes 

    That's a very special MC, Mike Smiley

    EDIT - By the way, I may be taking the day off in honour of Mike's birthday (need an excuse, as I'm just not getting anywhere!)

  • Stoat release live - it's been going for 5 minutes already :(

  • Just checked the Czech cams (Makov Animal Rescue), which we haven't seen for a long time.

    The Pond was busy but the cam is constantly buffering, I see that the time is stuck on earlier in the evening, so I can't download the stream :(

    The feeder cam is OK, just these 2 deer and then a separate one seen in the half-hour I've got:

  • Czech cams (Makov Animal Rescue)

    The bird feeder cam has overwhelmed me.

    Starting from a couple of nights ago...

    Peeking mouse, who pops in and out all night, as you know:

    First bird visitor of the morning:


    First colour:

    Robin's breast and apple/berries - clashing colours - that's Nature for you!

    Refreshing the feeder, plus a tame deer:

    Nice Pheasant close-ups in here - I'm hoping KORKY will get one of her Jay-with-beak-crammed-with-nutz specials, this Jay is a bit dull still at this time of the morning:

    This Great Spotted Woodpecker is from later, I happened upon it while doing a quick scroll, during which time I glimpsed a frightening variety of Woodpeckers...frightening, cos I've forgetten them... I will be needing kind assistance later.

    TEEJAY ?!!!

    10:30 the first Spadger invasion:

    The little guy on the left greeted us:

    I've completely run out of steam.

  • scylla said:
    I'm hoping KORKY will get one of her Jay-with-beak-crammed-with-nutz specials,

    I can try scylla. Need to get this cam back on my radar. I'm keeping an eye on Harriet in SF at present for egg laying and the Dunedin albatross cam. 

  • I got the deer's bum......but only one of them 

  • Thanks for keeping us updated on this webcam Scylla, your patience and hard work is very much appreciated. Lovely colours on this webcam from the birds and the colourful eats they are getting.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • scylla said:

    TEEJAY ?!!!

    You called?

    They only get two species of woodpecker there. The Great Spotted male (as shown) and female. The other one is the Middle Spotted with a red crown like this.



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