'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • I stumbled upon this super (IMHO) YouTube channel - no live feeder stream but lots of recorded clips, with lot of IDs.  "About" only says that the location is United States but I reckon it's got to be southern California.


    Just a couple of snaps from the Ohio under-feeder cam over the first night.

    Someone was filming The Omen with an alternative cast, this rabbit played Patrick Troughton's role:

    Handsome but with crumbs on snitch:

    Opossums and Skunks also turned up.

  • Is that a Raccoon Scylla ... I posted vid link to maybe same one on previous page?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Yep, Wendy, Scylla's last photo above is a Raccoon.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • WendyBartter said:
    Is that a Raccoon Scylla ... I posted vid link to maybe same one on previous page?

    No you didn't, Wendy dear - you posted a link to a sleeping perry Airplane (insane emojis, I can't believe they didn't do anything about them)

    I have been following BirdWatchingHQ for a year or more but only check in occasionally since getting to know the night critters especially, and some of the birds.  I'm really looking forward to him (Scott) 'developing' his backyard swamp and getting it online.

    I don't remember ever seeing the Raccoons stay until daycam but they did yesterday morning, shame they were a bit wet:

    The Grackle wasn't really the first bird, it was a fleeting Chickadee which I omitted:


    Just showing respect to the hungry mouse who found nothing to eat:

    I failed to notice that the download had stopped and missed 11 hours - there's a new Stump link. I hope they do a refill soon.

  • My problems with corvids are notorious, so forgive me for saying that these look like one grackle and one crowaven ;)

    Must be the same greedy grackle:

    A hawk hunts here and I've seen a video of a Mourning Dove being caught - this cool character is living dangerously:

  • They are all American Crows, Scyilla. Not a Grackle in sight as far as I can see.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:

    They are all American Crows, Scyilla. Not a Grackle in sight as far as I can see.

    Oh... dear...  I cannot express my despair.

    Could you be so kind as to glance at these, TeeJay?  They're from last January.

    I've just changed the title of this one from Grackles to Crows:

    This one I've left at Grackles because I know there are at least some there!

    This has been salutary, I seem to know that a grackle is not a crow, but not vice versa!

  • I'm struggling to keep up with all these new birds, whilst still not having consolidated previous learnings......

    Definitely two woodpeckers. I'm going to hazard a female hairy-bellied at the back. Not a hummingbird :-))

    An Acorn woodpecker at the front! (I googled it). Struggling a bit whether male or female.

    (Roll on March and the return of the ospreys at LG. Then I'll know what I'm talking about. Maybe.)

    (c) www.allaboutbirds.org/.../

  • scylla said:
    Oh... dear...  I cannot express my despair.

    Don't beat yourself up. LOL

    They all appear to be Crows in the first video. The collective name is a murder of Crows but in this case I think a hunger of Crows would be more appropriate.

    As far as I can see they all appear to be Grackles in the second video plus a few Starlings and House Sparrows. Look for the iridescent head and upper body, the white iris and quite long tail. All good ID aids.



    My Flickr Photostream