'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Thank you for good wishes :)  Trundling along here.

    This was during a short break from JAYS!  Pity the Tree Sparrows are so well camouflaged.

    I was trying to ID this duck but have been very frustrated by search results - lots of toys and all sorts with no relation to search terms >:(

    I would like to move on to another European feeder, any suggestions?  One with a good variety of visitors?

  • scylla said:
    I was trying to ID this duck but have been very frustrated by search results

    It's a male Goosander, Scylla. Known in the USA as a Common Merganser and one of the so called sawbills.

    Sorry about the cold I've been struggling with a heavy cold too - no fun is it.

    Can't really suggest another European website with a good variety of birds. Most of the interesting ones seem to be in the USA or Canada



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:
    scylla said:
    I was trying to ID this duck but have been very frustrated by search results

    It's a male Goosander, Scylla. Known in the USA as a Common Merganser and one of the so called sawbills.

    Sorry about the cold I've been struggling with a heavy cold too - no fun is it.

    Can't really suggest another European website with a good variety of birds. Most of the interesting ones seem to be in the USA or Canada


    Well!  I gave Goosander more consideration than anything else - but obviously fell at the last hurdle ;)  Thank you TeeJay :)

    Empathy re nasty cold, and I agree about feeders, too, maybe I'll do Ohio for a few days.

  • I've never seen the Ohio bird feeder so empty :o  (Plus, YouTube live stream is a bit jerky for me, I'd be grateful if others could comment if they notice it or not.)

    Left-to-right: Female Northern Cardinal, spadgers which will have to be checked against the many in North America, and a male Northern Cardinal.  The Cardinals are very feisty and charming, IMHO.

  • Four o'clock in the morning from the backyard cam  BirdWatchingHQ in Ohio. Not jerky scylla, but a bit hoppy 

  • Unknown said:
    a bit hoppy

    Haha ;-D  But thank you for reminding me - I don't know how many times I meant to say, re the Czech cams, "I never see rabbits or foxes".

    Ohio cams

    I'd never seen the trays so empty !!!

    I shan't be doing a lot with them, as they've never been the easiest to handle (for me) and now Scott's upgraded the stream from 1080 to 1440 they're even more clunky :(

    Red-winged Blackbirds:

    I haven't had time to research this Woodpecker yet, at a quick glance it looks rather small for a GSW but it's hard to tell...

    The under-feeder cam at nighttime is not too bad... and what a surprise I got !!!

  • So, Scylla, you've thrown out a challenge. Let's see if I'm up to it

    • American Goldfinches
    • Northern Cardinals (m&f)
    • Black-capped Chickadee
    • House Finches (m&f)
    • House Sparrows (m&f)
    • Mourning Dove
    • Downy Woodpecker (f)

    Have I missed any?



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I think you got them all TeeJay!
    I thought maybe one chipping sparrow for a second flickering by close to the end, but it's too big, therefore it's another house sparrow. I love the cardinals and chickadees. I'm bad at ID differentiation regarding Downy vs Hairy woodpeckers...

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Unknown said:
    Let's see if I'm up to it

    I didn't doubt you, TeeJay - but I'm studying it carefully...

    I didn't get the goldfinches, which I thought I would have (I'm very familiar with the Lessers on a low-res cam)... are they in winter plumage?  Plus must check out the Downy Woodpecker but it will take a lot of sightings for that one to sink in :o

    Much appreciated! :)