Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 November 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Quiet on here. Hope Annette is OK.

    We've had a busy day: went to order two new carpets this morning, and asked for them to match the last one we bought, for our dining room. The girl looked on the computer, then announced "It's been discontinued!". So my idea of having the whole downstairs looking similar had to go out of the window. Then my OH wandered off to their Bargain Corner to look at offcuts. He found two large pieces rolled up which were the same pattern & quality - we both liked them so we bought them and then ordered the underlays, which in the event, cost more than the carpets!! A real saving, though, probably costing in total about two rooms for the price of one!

    Did a food shop and bought a few things to put away for the festive season. My OH got home and put down dust covers, then set about beginning to paint the six doors in the hall!!! He's done three this afternoon..... never a dull moment here.....
  • Sorry my replies are so hit-and-miss (or even non-existent), gradually coping better - will now need to take advice about return to methotrexate as I am not sure I can start again at the previous dose, and can't vary injection as it is a measured dose.. Had an interesting hour with the two medical post-grad students who came to learn about joint pain and its effects on my life. They are on a Scottish scheme to provide more rural GPs.
  • PatO:  Folding 28 pages?   Eeeek.  I wouldn't fancy that....  

    Lindybird:  Congrats on the carpet find.   We are fine; it rained all night and is expected do so again tonight and tomorrow.  Picked up the paper from the driveway this morning and was bowled over by the marvelous clean, earthy-smelling air.  First rain in 180 days!  It always makes growing things sit up and pay attention. I dragged my potted plants from under the patio yesterday so they could get a soaking from "real" water.  :-)

    OG: Good to see you; don't worry about responding.  Rural docs seem to be thin on any ground....

    Take care all...

  • Great to hear that all is well with you, Annette. You had us a little worried there.

    Yes, it smells lovely and clean when it rains after a dry spell. But here at the moment we're having heavy showers and it's predicted to rain again all night. Please, someone tell it to stop!

    OG -- You must be an interesting case study. Although it must be nice to be of interest, in this instance, it's for all the wrong reasons :-( At least it helps the next generation of docs. Hope you're feeling stronger after your bad spell.

    Must put out the light here, it's late. Goodnight All.
  • Lindybird: I have told the powers that be that stop the rain in the UK. Let me know if it works; if not, I'll have another word with him/her! :-)
  • Good Morning. Heard it raining in the night, and it's still doing it now. Bonnie didn't want to go out this morning. Thanks for trying, Annette!

    My OH has just been contacting his golf buddies, as of course it's off again today. I expect he'll do more painting as he wants to paint all of the hallway, I don't think I said that its one of the rooms destined for new carpet. Then we have to prepare the study, which is a major undertaking as its where we keep most of our books and is also a dumping ground for anything which we want out of the way. The new carpets are scheduled for a week on Monday.

    Have a good day, Everyone.
  • Well done, LINDY, on the carpet bargains! Please send your OH up here, I noticed that the walls in the hall need repainting, especially above the radiator. I rarely put on the main lighting there, usually a standard lamp in a corner and a lamp on the hall table. So it was a bit of a shock to see how shabby the walls are.
    AQ - sorry about your problems with the telephone and internet. I hope that your poor service will improve soon.
    OG - It sounds as if you have been on a very strong antibiotic. I don't know if I have said before that Callum's girlfriend, only 18, has psoriatic arthritis. She says that it runs in her family.
    ANNETTE - I love that damp earthy smell after rain, after six months of drought it must have been wonderful :-)
    PAT- that certainly was a mammoth effort with the magazines! Like others here, I hope that the problem ( or interfering person) gets sorted out!
    LYNETTE,- your present for OH sounds ideal. As I said before, I'd not want to use a tablet for everything, I rely on my PC for a lot of work, especially banking.

    The weather here is colder and should be dryer for the next few days. I have got cabin fever, haven't been out of the house since last week so will have to go food shopping today.
  • Morning Everyone. There's a new blog from Jess Tomes. LG will be getting EU money:

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Well that is wonderful news. But sad we'll lose the feeder cam for the foreseeable. We'll need to find another fix we can all enjoy and continue to share stories and banter about
  • KORKY - Jess does mention a cam in Estonia - which I think may be one which a number of us have followed each winter - haven't checked it out yet from her link.

    My disappointment was that I spotted "Changing Rooms" as part of the blog title - gave me great hope for accessibility issues, although not a surprise that new loos don't feature in the text. However, I have always extolled the virtues of the composting toilets at LG - so much better than others such as Forestry Commission facilities!