Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 November 2019

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  • We had no internet from mid-morn yesterday, <insert sweary words> NBN isn’t as good as promised. As our landline goes through same system, no phone calls either. I used mobile to ring me to hear what message friends would get. “That number is invalid.” Really?! So the bathroom got cleaned and a few other reluctant chores. This morn when I emerged, I had to ask OH if internet was back. Grr. He didn’t think it was important to let me know. (He can’t sleep and gets up about 4 am.)

    OG/EE/J – Thanks for update. I hope you all pick up soon {{{HUGS}}}

    Very sad about poor koala but he did draw attention to animal rescue groups who have received welcome donations. They say about 300 koalas were lost in NSW fires. Koalas are not considered endangered, however urban sprawl & forest clearing over last 100 years have meant a steep decline in numbers. They only eat a few species of eucalypts. In our state there are estimated 150,000 koalas in Mt Lofty Ranges & 50,000 on Kangaroo Island. A few years ago there was talk of culling on KI as the numbers were getting too high for the amount of trees.

    Must be away to shops early, maybe back later. Nany duty this arvo.

  • Oh, heck AQ. No internet is very frustrating. There was a report here that "A thousand koalas have died" but I did wonder if that was just a guess - the numbers must be hard to calculate.
  • OG you are really going through it. Glad to hear J is getting on top of things and back at work. Stay warm and dry and ward off these nasty bugs etc both of you.

    Lindybird - hope that finger has righted itself.

    Been busy trying to sort out whether to get a laptop, tablet , or desk computer for OH as his has grown very slow and he can't get certain things up. Son dropped in this afternoon and saw how slow his computer is. Looks like we will be going for a refurbished tower comp. as a family present to him. Have to contact a techi who transferred my files onto this new one back in March and see whether he can transfer all OH's files etc over to his new one when we get it. Also managed to do most of CShop over the weekend online.
  • Lindy - good news then re OH's mark on leg.

    Annette - so the fires have caught up with your area. Do hope the vere away from you but worrying for other folk down the valley. Stay safe and alert. Thinking about all those affected.

    Weather down here has been pretty miserable that last couple of days.
  • Pat O - a job and a half that - 250 mags, printed then folded , your hands must be very tired after all that folding.

    well, now to look some more on the computer front for OH.

    Had the bi-monthly church meeting tonight - straight forward and no prevaricating so finished by 8.40pm. Minister is back from sabatical on Sunday so no doubt we'll hear what he's been up to

    Take care all and keep safe
  • Returned from food shop. Lots of things were on “special” that we will need over next few weeks, so payment rather more expensive than expected. It should balance next few weeks. Greeted by news that our internet down again. I’m typing this in Word, hoping internet will still be functioning when I finish rambling. Friday will be a quiet day too as we will have power outage for maintenance. Perhaps a good day to go C-mas shopping

    LINDA – perhaps the 300 koalas I mentioned were just in one National Park. There could be more with fires (still burning) across NSW and NSW. In the aftermath of our Yorke Pen fire, there have been numerous arguments about global warning, whether these fires are worse than earlier years, but outweighed by praise for our fire fighters. Most are volunteers. Police are watching 81 potential arsonists. Last week a 13 year old was caught lighting fires (plural) in outer suburb.

  • Heather:  I also don't get any notice that I've been signed out of the site. I only realize it when I can't get to the Rich Text page.  Per Lindybird's suggestion, I never check my avatar at the top of the page (thank you Lindybird!)  :-)

    Diane:  No worries re the garden work.  The winds changed early on and all the smoke got sent off back to the hills leaving us with nice cool ocean air.  Tonight there are some hot spots high up and the fire crews are still up there - judging by the flashing red lights I can see thanks to my whale watching binocs). Our local TV station was covering the fire all evening and every now and then broke in to tell us that area hotels were offering special "evacuation" rates!

    PatO;  Is there anyone who can talk to the person who messed up the printer and tell them to keep their hands off it!!  Do hope they get it sorted out before the next issue.  Bravo for dedication, but really!

    AQ: I also read that thousands of koalas were killed, but as you say, could've been the number from all the fire in Oz.  Hope your internet starts behaving itself.

    Looking forward to a helicopter-freeb night; rain due around 2 a.m. and should finish off the fire.

  • Relieved to come on this morning, and see Annette posting. I hope that the rain has arrived there by now.

    Good Morning, All. Nice to hear from you, Lynette. Hope you can get your OH a computer sorted. Thanks for the thoughts on my finger, which is more comfortable now (it was driving me crazy) but is still pinched and very red, although the itching is less. I'm putting some anti bacterial cream on it which the doc gave me.

    AQ: I know what you mean: if you see offers on the very things on your regular list, you can whoomph up the bill by picking up extra. Shocking that there are so many potential fire setters out there.

    Still dark here, and raining.
  • ANNETTE - I do hope there will be enough rain to quench that fire near you - stay safe!

    LYNETTE - hope you find a suitable PC for OH.

    PAT - well done! A big church - or is the 250 print run for a group of churches?

    Sunshine right now here! Colder, but good to have it brighter.
  • Annette - Do hope the fires have been brought under control, and that you get some rain. If only we could send you some of ours - we have far too much! I walked across a patch of lawn this morning and it felt like walking on wet sponges. And there's more to come ...

    OG - Good to see you. Hope all of you are now feeling a lot better. It's a reasonably large church, with some posted to former members who have moved away, and some delivered to people who are too frail to come any more. My fingers are still sore from folding those magazines - they weren't thin, as we actually managed to produce 28 pages this month, so not an easy job. The fight continues to get the printer restored to its proper driver!

    My sore fingers are about to go and play bowls - if I can paddle to my car without getting drowned!
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