Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 November 2019

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  • Must be the season for family "discussions" .... sometimes I wonder....
  • Was going to say something but I hear a "discussion" starting up in the dining room - must go!
  • LOL, OG.

    My OH says he's still thinking about who he met today, old acquaintances who he'd been to school with, when it seemed 100 years ago.

    They all looked old, he said! "Do I look old?" "Don't be silly," I said, "You ARE old!!" - But in reality he looks pretty good for mid seventies :-)

    We opened the bottle of champagne we'd had saved, tonight. We must have been given it over fifteen years ago! It looked very golden, I said..... when we tasted it we both looked at each other. It's gone off! Rather vinegary....

    I'm drinking my second glass but can't finish it. My OH has poured the rest of it down the sink. Even though I had laid it down, and turned it regularly, it's not survived. Laughing about it now, and my OH has poured out a whisky for himself.
  • Harelady: I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!

  • Yes, HARELADY , Safe journey and enjoy the visit!
    LINDY - I didn't say anything before but we found out the hard way, years ago, that champagne doesn't keep well. I was hoping that you would be lucky! We, the committee of the League of Friends of the local hospital, had been given a bottle of champagne for a raffle. The foil top had been damaged and it looked scruffy, so we bought another bottle ourselves to replace it. We kept the original and it was opened on a Town Twinning trip ( we were very involved in all sorts of community things in those days). On a coach driving down to Dover for a cross channel ferry. A few of us had got disposable champagne flutes and we eagerly anticipated toasting our trip to France. Oh dear. It was deep yellow and disgusting! I think that the on board loo was involved in it's disposal.....
  • Ha ha, Heather!! We certainly found out the hard way. Luckily, I wasn't ill in the night having tried to drink some it, thankfully, as I have a weak stomach. It was in a posh cardboard box and was "Vueve Clicquot", having been given to us by a grateful client one Christmas.

    Good Morning All. Dry here but cloudy skies again. Hope everyone has a good weekend, especially OG and family.

    Edit: we have another bottle (a different kind) which we've also had for a while, and my OH now wants to open that this weekend.

  • I have just looked online LINDY It would seem that if it isn't vintage champagne it should not be kept for more than a very few years :-(
  • Good morning; having a slow weekend; I am allegedly working on the church magazine!
  • Procrastination, OG?
  • Just wishing for more content to arrive! May have to fill it with Christmas ClipArt.
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