Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2019


Sunday the 13th is the full Hunter's Moon. It occurs just a few days after reaching apogee, the farthest point in the moon's orbit from earth. So, this will be "smallest" full moon of the year 2019. However, because of the point and direction that it will rise, some sources said that it will appear large and orange!

Everyone have a wonderful week. My area had its first frost of the season last night!

  • Not our immediate family (ie, offspring) but my OHs relatives are very close to one another and one of then has had an upsetting event. This has had a domino effect, and we are all concerned for the person involved.

    I don't want to put private news on here but suffice to say that we are upset, ourselves, and are unable to do much about things other than commiserate and keep in close contact. Not helping with my stress recently so am feeling tired and emotional, I'm afraid!
  • LINDY - please look after yourself x
  • Lindybird: Family troubles can produce very large ripples. Hope the crisis won't seem so bad in a few days...
  • LINDA - sorry to see the family worry is taking so much out of you. You have had a difficult year - do take care, or as an old friend used to say to me "Be kind to yourself"!
  • Thank you all so much. I'm still missing my good friend terribly, and still sometimes expect it to be her when the phone rings.

    OG - I was about to say the same things to you!

  • Sending hugs, LINDY.
    All will be fine but just be careful where you expend emotional energy xxx Expect feelings about the loss of your dear friend and be realistic about what you can do about the family problem and the blasted company that don't want to release your money. Hope that I am not speaking out of turn......
  • Thank you, Heather. No, not speaking out of turn....

    I think if I go somewhere and have a good cry, it might help. Meanwhile, I'm drinking a very large G&T.
  • OG - Sorry so many things have been going wrong for you recently. I do not think I could have dealt with the freezer episode as well as you did. Hoping for better times for you.

    Also sorry that you are feeling 'down' Lindy. I know how family problems can affect the general mood. My OH also has a large family. One member is a pain in the **** (insert suitable word)
    Do not expect too much of yourself.
    We have decided not to go to see 'Judy' after you said it was a weepy, but 'Official Secrets' has a very good review in today's paper. I am not usually a Keira Knightly fan, but apparently, she is very good in this. Not exactly a light subject, though.

    Annette - I know what you mean about lightening garden tasks. My sister still insists on very high maintenance gardening. She has squillions (is that a word?) of containers to water, and has difficulty keeping up with the pruning, especially as it has rained so much.
  • Greetings from a lurker. So sorry about your various difficulties. Hope things work out in the end. Losses of any kind are tough to deal with and sometimes a good cry seems to help to bear it all. Best of luck to everyone.
    OG, Searching ebay for your Osprey ornament as osprey wood statuette, the only thing which has come up so far which is even remotely similar is this, although I had the impression your Osprey was made of small pieces of wood rather than a single piece:
    www.ebay.co.uk/.../i.html. Searching ebay for osprey woodcraft construction kit produces the Osprey plane and a few birds and animals, but no Osprey.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Hello all, not been on for a few days but have now read all your news.

    OG - ongoing saga with oven and freezer but I'm sure you will get it all sorted out soon.

    Lindy - sorry to hear about family troubles, remember to take care of yourselves and try to stay stress free although not always easy.

    AQ, Annette, Diane, HeatherB, Rosy, hope all well with you.

    Had blood test results back and doc wanted to speak to me - phone appt. - apparently something do with borderline diabetis and wants me to do another blood test. Said I would be going until after next Friday which is my first cataract op. Want to get over that first before I do bloods again, anyway you usually have to wait a fortnight before you can get in. All right by me.

    Weather has been mixed with damp mornings and showers through the day. Gone a little cooler now.

    Have a good weekend all.