Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2019


I hope everyone has a great week and a beautiful autumn! The equinox is Monday (the 23rd). 

AQ: Have a wonderful spring equinox. I know you celebrate the first day of spring on September 1. Have a great season!

  • AQ -- Sounds fairly civilised, but we checked and although the biggest yurts have "en suite bathroom" none of them have electricity, but it mentions "glamorous candles' and a "communal kitchen" ...... not my scene. There are some places in the UK with comfortable tents, a bit like yours mentioned, but this Site is not one of them.

    My OH helped me to clear out our back porch today, we put things in the garage and the kitchen. Oh!! the spiders who had crept in! Had to shake out my wellies and etc. hoping there was nothing lurking. Then my OH wiped down the shelving and painted the ceiling. He'll paint the walls tomorrow, obliterating where I had pressed painted artistic leaf shapes along the wall many years ago. Plain walls are the thing these days.
  • Back from food shop, bill paying and all that stuff. Once again OH can’t be bothered going out to lunch.  Now next decision – will he come with me to nanny duty?

    LINDA & ANNETTE – I do like my mod cons with a roof overhead, dining in a dining room, hence a motel for me. BTW Travel Friend and I shared rooms in the old Kimba Post Office, now part of the hotel which has a mixture of hotel rooms, motel units & said PO. The lady who was peeved she did not score an upstairs room with communal balcony, was even more peeved when she heard of our rooms. We had 2 rooms plus bathroom. Friend had bigger room with huge double bed, chesterfield to sit on to watch huge TV, 4 reading lamps (depending where one sat) plus usual fridge. I had 2 single beds, similar lamp plus large TV. Mostly wasted on us as we didn’t TV but read books! Just for one night!

  • Good Morning. Dry here. I'm doing HW today, and my OH will be painting. Then this afternoon, I'm off to the cinema.

    AQ, sounds like comfortable accommodation for you! Hope your OH came to help with the nanny duty, and you both enjoyed your grandchildren.
  • HEATHER - last time I had Sea Bass (Fife holiday 2018) it was served with a lobster and Samphire Sauce - delicious!

    AQ - hope Nany day went well. So, a day off next week?

    LINDA - what a busy couple you are these days. Using up the green paint?

    I think the injection went well - felt very unsure straight after so stayed a while at the hospital to be sure I would get home able to walk at least as well as yesterday. Registrar administered the injection while consultant also watched the live X-ray, wearing tartan-finish lead apron and holding my hand! Artificial wellness now, due to local anaesthetic to skin site and in with the steroid! Very tired.
  • Glad you've got the injection over with, OG. Hope it helps, and that you don't have any side effects or aches when the drugs wear off.

    Our day went well. I cleaned bathrooms, did laundry and did some paperwork, and my OH painted the previously pale rusty walls of the porch, pale yellow. Then he went out to buy some coffee coloured gloss paint to paint the two interior doors - they are one green, one white at the moment. One goes out into the garage which is a boon as in our previous house we had to go outside to access the garage. The outside porch door and window are UPVC so don't need painting. Then he had a sit down before prepping our veg for tonight!

    I walked into the town and met sis in law at the cinema: we saw Downton Abbey which was excellent, very entertaining. There are a lot of overlapping storylines though, which makes it all rather rushed. We wanted to savour the crowd scenes where everything was glam and grand, and enjoy seeing the posh frocks. It was raining when we came out so she gave me a lift home.
  • I could not log in this afternoon, but fortunately have managed it now.

    Good that your hospital visit went well today, OG. I hope the injection has a good effect. I have never heard of a tartan finish lead apron, but why not?!

    LINDY, OH and I are going to see Downton tomorrow. I had a cold last week, and have had an irritating cough since, so will be taking the throat lozenges, in the hope that I will not annoy anybody.
    I am glad your OH sits down sometimes!
  • OG - didn't realise Greta had a form of autism but I find her a bit attention seeking and no-one has taken her childhood away as far as I can see/ getting back to school and learning etc would probably stand her in better stead to go on the "platform" so to speak and deliver how she feels. These so called demonstrations annoy me somewhat as all young people should be in their schools learning about the environment and of how they can help when they leave education. Its a very emotive subject, just a few of my thoughts.
    That sounds great for J if he enjoys singing - all coming together to enjoy the joy of singing.
  • Heather, are you with Dutch friends or is Narberth in the UK. If you are, enjoy your time with them. Always good to meet with friends.

    Lindy, that forthcoming wedding sounds lovely. I am following the son of friends we made in SA - they have a Wedding business and set up all over the area in Brisbane. in the countryside etc.

    Have looked at glam camping so to speak, both tents and yurts, not exactly cheap and afraid does not appeal but might have done when younger.
  • AQ - sounds as though you had fun on your trip! Do hope OH agreed to share nanny duties. Afraid my OH just likes to sit around now as he finds it increasingly difficult to walk far with his particular medical condition. Likes routine etc.

    We've had another damp day, showers with some sunshine creeping through briefly. Managed to get all the holiday washing done but now have to do the ironing - tackle that in the morning whilst OH watches the rugby, England's match.

    OG, do hope the injection helps for a while.

    Lindy - Your OH has been busy, don't overdo it though. Dau went with friend last Sat to see Downton, enjoyed it but found it a little slow in places. Hope you enjoy it.
  • A pity OH decided to stay home as nanny duty was interesting. Twins took me outside to see their “tadpoles”. Some leaves in a basin of water were tadpoles, with added flowers (food?). Unprompted they told me the life cycle of the tadpole to frog to eggs and “it all starts again. It cycles.” Then the life story of a butterfly. Each was taking turns, finishing the other’s sentence, amazing detail. Dau said tadpoles this week at kindy, butterflies last week. The rest of my time filled with veggie chopping for soup, usual chores & 5 books each. Miss7 brought home a huge stack of books from school library for holidays, mix of fiction & non-fiction. I noticed one on the Big Bang Theory. Wow. It is getting hard to choose books for her birthday (8 next week).
    OH has been attacking the weeds in back garden. Some sort of rye grass. Besides usual thistles, clover & whatever. Since we get our water from the Murray River, we see strange weeds each year.