LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - AUGUST 2019

Link to July 2019 thread 

The 2 chicks were ringed on 4 July and assessed as female. They were given ring numbers JJ0 and JJ2, and later named by popular vote as Mallie and Rannoch. Both weighed 1.49kg on ringing but will weigh a lot more now after a further month's-worth of protein-packed-piscine-parenting.  The WT subsequently said they thought Mallie may be male. S/he fledged on 20 July and Rannoch on 27 July.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • Nasty incident at about 13.10 today. Disagreement between the juveniles ended up with Mallie hanging upside down by a talon just off the back of the nest. Luckily she managed to extricate herself fairly quickly and seems none the worse for it.

    © The Woodland Trust, Loch Arkaig Osprey Project

  • 14.45 or so, Mallie (who looks none the worse, see Alison's post above) arrives followed by Rannoch and then Louis with a very nice looking fish. Mallie claims it. Ian

  • 18.03, Rannoch had been on the nest for ages, flew off but then back again as Louis brought in a large headless fish. I don't think I have seen Aila for a couple of days, I wonder if this time she has gone for the Winter. Ian

  • 19.38, Rannoch leaves the nest shouting & with her fish in hand. Louis arrives with another whole fish. Rannoch returns & nabs the new fish, discarding the old one on the nest. Ian

  • Ian S said:
    I don't think I have seen Aila for a couple of days,

    This is the last time I saw her, IAN, maybe Liz Bracken has caught her in her bins since?

    A fuzzy medium-sized fish which Mallie got:

    Thereafter Rannoch was on the nest repeatedly, wishing and hoping... and shouting, of course, this way 'n that.

    (This nearly worked ;) )

    At last !!!  And it was a good fish, too :)  Tho Louis's foot did take a pulling again but could have been worse:

    Mallie didn't arrive until:

    Rannoch was extremely displeased at her presence and the ill-feeling welled up to a climax when Mallie descended in an attempt on Rannoch's fish - the outcome reported by ALISON with snap on the previous page.

    Mallie's fly-off was curtailed by a glitch, let's hope she's fine :-*

    Yes she was :)

    And Louis presented her with the next FISH despite Rannoch also being on the nest (fishless - did she drop it between frames during that edge-of-nest kerfuffle, or had she finished it off-nest?):

    Not a huge fish but plenty:

    Mallie ate for a long time but there was still a lot left when she flew with it:

    Rannoch hung around for another 20+ minutes, then off.  And after another half-hour wait it was up to the perch and off:

    But back in under 5 minutes, she must have lost that fish.

    Her waiting paid off, with a rather marmalised FISH arriving from Louis:

    Rannoch ate and flew with the fish, then got another and that put her in two minds for some time - she went from one fish to the other and back, more than once, then flew with one piece leaving a small tailend for Mallie (who'd been on the campost some of the time) - Mallie had a bit of trouble with the plump, hard tailend, it caused a couple of sneezes once she got it down.

    (I forgot to put some expanatory notes in the video, and I'd joined the clips in MovieMaker for that very purpose!  Fatigue!)

    Hooray !!!  Mallie got a FISH!  She flew with it.

    Rain was evident after nightcam.

  • No sightings since the fish delivery last night. ENS right now.
  • Good Morning Looked in erlier and it was ENS and still is
  • Good morning PATILY :)

    At last a juvie on the nest - shouting !!!
  • Scylla, the consensus on the WT chat is that Aila hasn't been seen since 13 August. Take a look at 08.42 today to see a small bird (I can barely recognise an osprey so I have no idea what it is!) on the nest as reported by Sue on the WT chat. Ian