LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - AUGUST 2019

Link to July 2019 thread 

The 2 chicks were ringed on 4 July and assessed as female. They were given ring numbers JJ0 and JJ2, and later named by popular vote as Mallie and Rannoch. Both weighed 1.49kg on ringing but will weigh a lot more now after a further month's-worth of protein-packed-piscine-parenting.  The WT subsequently said they thought Mallie may be male. S/he fledged on 20 July and Rannoch on 27 July.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • This was Mallie taking a not-flat-fish from a rather scrawny-looking (((Louis))):

    Rannoch had her beady eye on it:

    Mallie finished and flew, was she lording it over Rannoch:

    Rannoch looked for scraps, shouting,and flew:

    Ons 'n offs followed.

    Another flounder:

    Rannoch didn't go for Louis's foot:

    Mallie arrived and stood by preening:

    She can look pretty* too:

    Rannoch has been in 'n out showing off on the right side of the nest.


    *UK ospreys are the prettiest in the world, not that I'm biased ;)

  • Oh, I do so agree with you Scylla!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • There has been quite a flurry with the latest delivery.  Initially I thought Mallie had been on the nest, posing beautifully, not showing her ring

    But she started to call, and exposed her ring.  It was Rannoch

    She was joined by Mallie, but before Louis landed with a small fish

    Rannoch appeared to grab Louis' poor foot as he took off

    Mallie with her fish while Rannoch calls

    and then waits.  Will she leave some for me?

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • maillie has a flounder Probably not long delivered judging by the size  Rannoch protesting and Maillie added her voice to that when Rannoch got too close

    C WT Loch Arkaig

  • 3 fish in a round 90 mins , 1st the flounder to Blue JJ0 and then a trout to JJ2 and then JJ0 abandoned the flounder but dearest Louis brought another trout for JJ0 to enjoy , he has turned out to be the greatest Dad


  • Fish 4 from Louis at around 13.25 , Blue JJ2 eventually took , at least a peaceful handover


  • Double tailed osprey

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  • Aila had not been since since Tuesday so great to see her , she did look a bit hollow chested thou I thought , she should have eaten some of her fish before bringing it to the nest , those two juveniles have been spoilt today


  • I've had to write off last evening,  Here's a catchup from 4 o'clock this morning.

    A very animated Rannoch was first to arrive, she spent12 minutes prancing and shouting, including showing only a tailtip on the right and her tail on the Robin's perch:

    Then an empty nest until Rannoch returned @ 07:54.

    More shouting:

    Mallie dropped down from the campost - I may have missed her flying in earler, I had noticed Rannoch looking up there occasionally:

    Mallie flew @ 08:36 and Rannoch @ 08:41.

    I make this the first fish of the day.  Despite Mallie wasting time and energy on poor Louis's toe, Rannoch was unable to capitalise and Mallie got the fish:

    Louis braced himself:

    Incompetent grab by Rannoch:

    Mallie got it:

    Louis's next fish was a beauty.  Mallie, who'd left most of her flounder on the nest, flew in for it:

    Mallie flew with the quite-big fish, good luck to her:

    When Rannoch had finished her smallish toughish fish she took over Mallie's discarded flounder and pranced 'n danced with it and proceeded to eat it:

    I have to take a break.

    EDIT @ 21:22

    Rannoch eventually flew off with Mallie's flounder: