LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - AUGUST 2019

Link to July 2019 thread 

The 2 chicks were ringed on 4 July and assessed as female. They were given ring numbers JJ0 and JJ2, and later named by popular vote as Mallie and Rannoch. Both weighed 1.49kg on ringing but will weigh a lot more now after a further month's-worth of protein-packed-piscine-parenting.  The WT subsequently said they thought Mallie may be male. S/he fledged on 20 July and Rannoch on 27 July.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • FISH (piece). Must be Louis but he looks different. Juvie has arrived to collect, Louis flown.
  • FLOUNDER from Louis, Aila and a juvie on the nest... Louis may take it away cos no-one grabbed it !!!

    Not sure if there some unease on the nest.
  • CATCHUP from the get-go

    Mallie was first to appear:

    After he'd had a sit-down and flyabout, Rannoch joined him:

    SUPERDUPER FISH from Louis !!!

    Mallie got it, no surprise:

    Rannoch started to get a bit weary of waiting:

    Then 5 minutes later Mallie left a really good portion for her:

    At this point Rannoch had had enough, she had one more bite and left it on the nest - the tailfin with some flesh attached:

    After a long ENS period, Mallie timed it well to collect a half FISH from Louis:

    Just to show Louis's well-fedness:

    Eventually Mallie flew off carrying a significant portion - not the first time he's flown with fish, he's so competent!

    Aila brought a spare piece of WHOPPER:

    Rannie came in for it and Aila turned to the leftover tail:

    Aila showed us the rain on her back before leaving:

    Rannoch ate as much as she wanted, left some and flew.

    Mallie flew in still holding his tailend:

    He's standing with 2 bits of fish:

    He didn't take anything away with him this time:

    The two pieces of fish:

    Aila flew in and landed on the larger of the 2 leftovers:

    Rannoch soon appeared and took over, Aila flew:

    She left this much and flew:

    Aila flew in, expecting a fish:

    Louis didn't disappoint, he brought a whole FLOUNDER:

    Everything went on pause (L>R = Louis, Aila, Rannoch):

    I thought that Louis was going to take the fish away but he just moved it:

    He flew:

    Aila started eating the fish and Rannoch found some leftover to work on:


    Mallie made straight for the flounder and took it away, Rannoch had already reverted to her own small leftover:

    Another pause, during which Rannoch went in for some heavy feaking ;)

    Rannoch then did a flyaround, landing on Mallie wingtip ;)

    Mallie flew with that big flounder !!!  (Sorry it's lurid, he was very pale in that corner):

    And back again !!!

    Aila went on feeding Rannoch then they both left, the nest remained empty... till I find the next landing!

    Which turns out to be Aila, I've done an unedited vid to celebrate her exclusively before she leaves us*.

    Another FLOUNDER from Louis to Aila:

    Rannoch flew in and took it:

    No energetic actvity, Aila stood by:

    Who's that?!


    Mallie did some flouncing but didn't try to take Rannoch's fish (what happened to your whole flounder, Mallie?!) then flew around and landed behiind Aila:

    And she did some ups 'n downs:

    Rannoch didn't make a lot of headway with the fish, she flew and Aila fed it to Mallie:

    Aila then ate some scraps from around the nest and they all flew, with Mallie being the last to leave.

    And I am very relieved to say that there is no more to report up to 20:55.

  • I thought Mallie was still officially a she based on ringing, with only some suspicions (after the event) from the ringer that she might be a he…?


    The Osprey Weekly - a digest of all the osprey news from the week just gone

  • One juvie resting onte nest and as I went to capture they flew.

    One came in at the very R edge of the nest but don't know whether it was the same one

    A few seconds laterRannoch arrived and now Maillie has joined her

    Now both gone

    C WT Loch Arkaig

  • Heavy rain around midnight:

    Mallie was first in this morning and the two were on 'n off hoping for breakfish from then onwards:

    Currently Mallie is waiting:

  • Mallie left @ 08:24, now Rannoch is on the nest shouting.
  • addersuk said:
    I thought Mallie was still officially a she based on ringing, with only some suspicions (after the event) from the ringer that she might be a he…?

    I'm forgetful, ADDERS :( 

    There was great excitement on the nest @10:00 but the two are still waiting...

  • Eek!

    Neither parent seen yet today, as far as I know.
