Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • We had a successful morning. Bought the laundry basket/bin I saw online, after some careful measuring. It replaces one which I inherited from my mother, which was an ideal size for our small en suite bathroom. As mother had had the old one for some years, and we've been here for over 15 years now, using it daily, it can now go on the tip!

    Also bought a tiny, cute babygro for the expected grandchild, white with little woodland animals dotted on it, & matching tiny hat! We stopped for a cuppa and shared a slice of lemon & blackberry cake, yum.

    In M&S, I bought two pairs of half price trousers in the sale, and some grub. Had to avert my eyes from all the other Sale rails! I thought I might only like one of the pairs of trousers when I tried them on, but sadly, I like them both!!
  • Morning all:   Kids got a late start after going to the opening night of the rodeo in Prescott, so won't be here 'till mid-afternoon, which at least should let them miss the afternoon rush hour through LA.

    OG:  Never fear! Food labels are for reading, especially when it comes to sugar.  Besides which, I should've said Ms.D-specific food: green grapes preferred over red; blackberries over raspberries (a change from the last two years); etc.   Really sorry to hear you're going through more worries with J, especially after the birthday gathering seemed to calm him down.  Eggshells underfoot are no fun.  How long does it take you to get to Manchester from there?  Huge hugs from here.

    Heather: Had to Google peelie wally.  Maybe just a virus getting a temporary upper hand?  "Rest and force fluids" (as my former doc used to say).

    Lindybird:  Laundry hampers?  Too exciting!  :-)   I throw our pillows in the washer now and then and the tumble dryer does a great job of getting them all fluffy.  Still, OH has his favorite too, which I do wonder about....

    Washed hair last night and was so tired must've forgotten to wash out the creme rinse coz this morning woke up with itchy head and haystack hair, requiring another quick shower to sort myself out.  Must get stuff done before the big match at noon.

    Take care everyone

  • Struggled to post a message as I had my 2nd cataract op this morning and am wearing an eye shield for protection. Anyway typically it didn't post as I needed to sign in. All went well and the shield is only till tomorrow so i can put up with that.
  • Well done on getting your cataract sorted, dibnlib: hope you find great improvement once you get over the procedure and you're back to normal.

    Been watching some of the tennis, see that the Duchess of Cambridge has made an appearance already this year. (Not playing, watching, LOL!!)
  • HEATHER – sorry you are peelie-wally (never sure how to spell it!); hope you will be feeling stronger tomorrow.

    LINDA – congratulations on the new laundry bin. We invested in four new ones when we renovated the boys’ bathroom – our old one had been with us many years and through many house moves. These four sit two by two in a couple of corners and enable sorting as we put laundry in – they are made by Brabantia (hope I am allowed to say so!). They are a type of synthetic canvas, so light but strong.

    ANNETTE – sorry about the hair mistake, hope the nasties all washed away! Keeping up with score, but not watching match although I must say women’s game is easier on the eye than men’s football - better football, too!

    DIBNLIB – pleased your second cataract has been done at last – well done.

    J has been quite calm this evening – feeling proud of him. He’s actually doing his ironing right now. OH and I spent time working in the garden this afternoon – he was weeding and dead-heading and I started sorting the containers of spring bulbs we had left to die back – need to take them out and replant in autumn as they need refreshing and in some cases thinning out for next year.

    All going out for lunch tomorrow – just to a garden centre where we need to buy the birds a new water dish and two of the water butts new stands as the old ones have warped in the heat!
  • OG: Good for J; hope things continue calm.

    Was rooting for England in the FIFA semi-final, but they let some good opportunities pass and so now the US is in the finals. Oh well.

    Everyone arrived safe but tired.
  • Good Morning, All. Glad the family have arrived OK, Annette: enjoy their visit. The US had a better team in the footie, but we also let a couple of opportunities pass by, I think.

    Sun is out here, so off to do laundry, shop for grub for the weekend, and pack, as we're off to Wales again!

    Hope J continues to improve, OG.

    ps. I see, looking back, that I didn't mention buying a new pillow yesterday, but we did buy just one. However, my OH won't use it, he says he's happy with his thin, lumpy specimen..... bah!
  • Enjoy your new pillow, LINDA.  He might realise that  he is missing out!  Do you take your regular pillows with you, or have a second set in Wales?

  • Hello all -

    ANNETTE - good that the family arrived safe and well. Enjoy....
    I didn't watch the football but I heard the result on the radio. I believe that this was the third semi final that the English team have been in. So disappointing for them.

    OG - Fingers crossed that J maintains his calmer mood. You and EE are both quiet people and it must be very unsettling to see J agitated. My lot are for the most part quite noisy and I worry more when they are quietly unhappy - if you know what I mean!

    ROSY - I'm sorry that your OH was so unwell, but glad that he is better, now. It must have been such a worry.

    LINDY - Enjoy Wales! I hope to go to South wales in the Autumn. I could do with a new pillow - there are a lot in the house but my favourite duck down one is past it's best.

    DIBNLIB - Take care, good that your second cataract has been done.

    Our Danish friends are using their own boat to go through the Gota canal. I guess that it won't be under sail, except going to and from Denmark. I would find it difficult to get from here to Sweden so will leave it for the time being.

    Amy is going to be 18 on Saturday, there will be another barbeque!!

    DIANE - fingers and toes crossed for the project.
  • Glorious sunshine here, and I'm sure its warmer than predicted. Have put the chairs out on the lawn, but my OH is two doors away, mowing the lawns of some neighbours who are away -- they didn't ask him to!

    Took some shoes to be sent back after buying them in the Sales online -- they were comfy sandals but were too tight. I guess I should just wear the old ones out! Very pleased with my cut price trousers, though!

    OG -- I have an identical pillow at the caravan to my favourite at home, and we have some really nice duvets there, too - plenty of everything for anyone who wants to stay. I had a small windfall when we bought the caravan, so fitted it out with good quality everything - the cooking pans in the kitchen are better than the ones I have at home!