Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • Thanks, Annette. I forgot all about it being Saturday until just now. I've been working at night -- for some reason, I am much more productive and effective at night -- and going to bed at dawn. So I'm not keeping track of the days very well.
  • Diane:  Not to worry. Hope your wacky schedule means you'll get rid of that freelance project.

  • Good Morning, and thanks to Annette for starting us off again. Sunny here but cooler after a hot night.

    Have a good time with MissD!

    Diane, I hope your work goes well - you seem to be working when we're all awake in the UK! I will be thinking of you.

    OG -- Glad that Js celebration has gone off alright, and I hope he enjoyed seeing everyone. I'll have a small square of cake if there's any left over!!
  • Some relief from humidity overnight - cloudy morning, with breeze. Rain forecast for after lunch, hope it won't come to much as we want to work around the deck this afternoon.

    We left J to sleep late this morning and he seems to be feeling quite good - we worried a bit last night that the little people might have been too much for him, but I think they left at about the right time for their early bedtime. Miri was allowed to choose what she had for tea; after trying one half of a brioche roll she ate two whole ones, then a whole apple (never seen a two year old do that before!) before a slice of birthday cake - she asked for another slice, but didn't manage it! The cake was lovely, and we gave them a big chunk to take home, froze another chunk and kept some for today!
  • Hello all and thank you, ANNETTE

    Yesterday went well, the weather at Hopeman beach was overcast and rainy with thunder and lightning towards the end of the day but a good time was had by all. There was some paddling in the water and I was very impressed by the caravan/camping site. Very clean and loads of static accommodations which I imagine are similar to yours, LINDY! Because we were in Moray, the toilets were labelled 'Quines' , 'Loons' and 'A'body'. The 'boys' cooked on the barbecue, Loads of food, you name it - it was there. As well as meats we had salads, rice dishes ,cheeses, fruit, etc. I loved the caravan ( a towing caravan that they take to all sorts of different places). It has central heating, a full sized under counter fridge and a cooker with gas hob and electric oven. Also a built in microwave. They (youngest daughter's parents in law) had an awning attached which could be closed so the rain didn't bother us at all. My girls were laughing at me, I always used to say that when I got old I would have a caravan and park it in their gardens, in turn and move on when they got fed up with me....

    ANNETTE - Miss D will have great fun staying with you! Have you made plans yet?

    OG - I'm so glad that J's day went off well and that he coped well with the small invasion. I remember those days, OG, putting the pyjamas on so that the little ones could be put straight to bed!

    I received a very kind invitation this morning from the Danes. They are sailing in Sweden, about to enter the Gota Canal. Do I want to come to Sweden and join them for the next five weeks? I won't go but I know that the invitation was genuine and it was nice to have it.

  • Our posts crossed, OG - good that J is still feeling OK!
  • Thanks, HEATHER. J is much better than I would have dared to expect. He did comment that he couldn't have managed any more people around, but it was good to see the little ones and enjoy talking to his nephew and wife. He has always got on well with both the Nephews and this one in particular is very understanding and wise.

    J and OH are together doing the regular start of the holidays job - cleaning the high level nooks and crannies in J's room; he will then tidy up - and rearrange everything at least three more times before work starts again in August! We shall hope to have at least one day out each week - near or far, but starting with something small this week.  And, of course we are still hoping for his eye op before the end of the holidays (again)!

  • OH finished helping J, would have gone outside, but ...Raining!
  • Hello everyone,

    I have tried several times to get back on this thread since the 'upgrade', with no success. I am not the brightest light in the harbour techy-wise.

    My son visited from the US and sorted it for me, but I have lost several posts since. I will try again.
  • It worked! Speechless now!

    More tomorrow.