WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 16, 2019

Happy New Week and Happy Father's Day!

  • It's been a busy day. Got my shopping done, and whilst there got a call from my OH, doing one of his good deeds again, as we only heard two days ago that a neighbour had a suspected brain tumour and was being rushed into hospital. Today, his wife told my OH that he had been transferred to another hospital, further away from here in Stoke. But they were saying that he could be discharged, for now, as it was found not to be a tumour after all. It seems to be something else: maybe he's had a slight stroke which has given him blurred vision. Anyway, his wife was asking for help as she was not confident about driving to a strange area, so my OH offered to drive her down there to fetch him.

    His good deed done, he rushed off this afternoon to our allotment where the raspberries are ripening. He had a few the other day with some frothy cream.
  • Annette, Tomasz is now 8 and a half - where's the time gone?! We will be leaving Bonnie with my OHs Other Sister, as it looks like it may be a warm day for her to be in the car for too long, and dashing down to the Midlands. It will only be a small gathering, but our Eldest will be there with Amber (although his wife has things to do at home).

    Today has been mainly dry, but there was a sudden shower this afternoon when I had to rush out to rescue my towels from the line. I've been looking every day at a peony which is opening up, I planted it two years ago and this is its first flower:

  • Thank you to ALL who have produced nanny awards. Now I am sure you all help out your own assorted rellies/friends as necessary. I see the light at end of tunnel with Twins going to school next February and hence regular weekly visits should cease.

    ANNETTE – T’other g-m is still in paid work but does babysit on occasion but is not popular with Dau as she doesn’t follow Dau’s guidelines.

    OG – I haven’t heard any more of the Sick Chick, whether a bug or something she ate. Dau will call if I’m needed.

    HEATHER – Parcels & letters from overseas to Aussieland take longer to arrive than those going other way. Because every article is scanned for drugs that may be hidden

  • Hallo all:  Flooring man came, measured space; made suggestions. Now it's up to OH and I to go look at stuff and see if we can compromise.

    OG;   So sounds like the person who upset J and friend isn't suited to that position...

    Lindybird:  Six peonies cost $6.99 at Trader Joe's this morning (and they're the cheapest).  Tx for the free photo. Hope the drive is easy.   Your OH sounds like gem.   :-)

    It's pizza tonight.  Call me lazy.

  • Good Morning. Sunny here, at last! Hoping for a nice weekend.

    Six peonies, Annette! I must have paid something like ten or fifteen pounds for one! I hope the flooring can be sorted to everyone's satisfaction.

    Off to wash my hair, go to the town to pick up stuff for the weekend, bake two cakes.....

    Here are some foxgloves which are magnificent in the garden this year:

  • OH has driven J for his blood tests - had to have two a week apart.  OH will then collect my prescription from Boots.

    LINDA - your handy husband is very popular!  I hope the neighbour will recover - I guess there may be further investigations.  How lovely to have the homegrown raspberries!  Nice that you will see your elder Son and Amber as well as the boys .That peony is a lovely shade of pink.  Foxgloves all around - wild and in gardens- seem particularly good this year.  Ours seem to keep changing colour - I am sure most were white last year!

  • Hi all. Sorry to be a lurker but as a full time carer there are never enough hours in a day.
    Can anyone remind me what that white disc is in the sky as I have forgotten!

    I had a need to visit my audiologist as one of my pair of hearing aids suddenly stopped. The solution took less than five minutes and I could have done it myself. However by pure chance he helped out with another problem which confirmed my suspicion re: statin intolerance. His father had the exact problems as I had, and it took him nearly a year to clear the system of it, as I have been having periods when I was suffering repeats.
    Another good bit of news, when I collected my repeat prescriptions I noted that my named doctor is my senior partner so I will now have no problem in booking her which is a pleasant surprise and much welcome.

    Oh, whilst I was writing this the dark grey clouds have returned, so much for weather forecasts!
  • ForestBoar, don't feel you have to apologise, we know you have a very full life. I hope that your wife is in good health. Good that you are now more clued up on your health worries: I hope the symptoms will all leave you soon.

    I had a busy morning, and the clouds are clearing, so I'm glad Iaundered some of my OHs cord trousers so they can be put away till winter returns.

    Gorgeous alliums OG!! What a colour!
  • Good to hear from you ForestBoar, and to know that it is normal for your symptoms to persist - still hoping you will be without them soon. I can understand how busy you are as my OH is the same doing almost everything for me - although I can still get around a bit, I am not able to be very helpful with all that needs to be done.

    LINDA - those Alliums have been going strong for a number of years - brought them with us from Lancashire in 2003, and don't remember how long we already had them, or where they came from. They are quite small - only about 30cm tall, with small bulbs, but I repot them about every three years, and currently have two urns full as well as a patch which appeared under the Alder tree - possibly dropped by birds!