DAILY UPDATES - Loch Garten nest - June 2019

We carry on in the absence of dearest EJ (RIP):

Courtesy of MIKE but he may not remember this particular wet morning ;-*


No-one seen overnight.

DAYCAM 03:55

We had a Stonechat !!!

It came back again and again to the same perch, this is one example:

And another:

Then it chose a different perch !!!  Sensational ;)

One outage:

That's up to 14:25.

  • Alan. We are in a compromise situation. Out of hours if it is in close up we'd miss anyone on the adjacent tree.
    When there are staff in they CAN zoom the camera but it was suggested they are reluctant to do so in case the sound disturbs the birds?
  • Mike, yes a difficult situation and cannot please everyone but I do think it is a real shame for the on-line community that we were never asked what we preferred.

    I recall a post from someone, when the cam was focused on the nest, stating they would prefer a wider view of the nest and its surroundings and it was then changed. I fully understand they are reluctant to move/zoom the cam should an osprey appear but we don't know if there is adequate staff to be monitoring any views for the staff relied on the on-line community.

    Personally I would like a closer view of the nest to try and identify if it is the same ospreys hanging around thus interested in the nest and not just passing by.

    But as always, I would go with the majority.

  • Can we infer anything from the frequency or lack of frequency of the visits? The morning of 14 June & the morning of 17 June doesn't really suggest to me the same couple coming back for another viewing, but that is a complete guess on my part. Ian
  • Alan, disagreement is allowed :) Ian
  • 13.00 visitor (could be female)
    Second osprey fly's over
    both leave.


  • Just my opinion.
    We are not seeing a bonded pair,
    so it is more important to be able to be able to watch the interactions around the nest
    that to just read ring numbers at this stage.


  • LG did not see the 0930 visit and were unable to get any sort of ID on the 1300 one.
  • The two unbonded pair visits so far today were so short that there wasn't really any need for me to duplicate ALAN's work, but here they are, so you don't think I couldn't be bothered ;) and for the record, of course.

    I've intensified, saturated, brightened, contrasted and sharpened the blighters, total waste of time and effort on the frustratingly downgraded LG streams :'(

    The first one is edited, I cut out some inactivity and put in an in-yer-face transition to show it:

    Not edited:

    No snaps: pointless.

    I had a really long period of pixellation but suddenly it refreshed itself, thank goodness:

    480p is the highest available setting.

  • Amazing spot, BIRDIE - I can't do any better, only worse ;) than you have and I can't tell what bird that was.  Soon afterwards there was another fly-up diagonally from the right side of the nest out of of the top right edge of our pic, it almost looked more like a flying insect, unsnappable.

    Oh all right then, I'll prove it (to be unsnappable ;) ):

  • "Sunny periods", as the weatherpeeps say:

    I don't think I can do a nightcam...

    NIGHTCAM 23:10

    This was midnight:

    We never lost the sky all the short night.

    DAYCAM 03:31