Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Harelady: I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Up Helly Aa and you're having a nice time. I would so love to visit Shetland some day. I watch the webcams often. Safe travels. 

    Lindy: The snow pics were beautiful posted by you and WendyB. I'm very sorry about your sore tooth and the need for extraction. Hope the heating boiler holds on for this season.

    Annette: I hope the new scanner is working well for you. Also hope the library staff found the missing library book. 

    Hello to all. 

  • Diane:  Yes, I went to the library and found the book on the shelf. They scanned it and it was the same one I'd borrowed, so it's all sorted.  Scanner is working well.  I'm just using some basic settings for the actual scanning and will do color correction, etc, later (though I'm also culling pix as I go along).

  • Yay! Glad you found the book. I wouldn't want you to go to library prison. Grinning

  • Good to hear that you're surviving the bitter temps,  Diane, even if it's with lots of swearywords! I've got my fingers crossed for you, regarding your poor car, out in the cold. Hope you don't get flooding when the big thaw comes.

    Annette, you must have been relieved to get the library book confusion sorted. Thanks for the update on PatO and her travels: such exciting sounding places!

    A cold night here and everything looks frozen, but we have some winter sunshine. More snow predicted this afternoon and tonight. I'm still cleaning out kitchen cupboards, such an interesting life I lead.

  • (OG here)

    Groundwork started for the ramp today!  Maybe ramp itself next week?

    Didn't have to use steps on ice as bloods appt was cancelled - surgery were asked not to send specimens in - analysis machines out of order!  Can wait until the next due appt in two weeks - yippee!

    Still no snow here - and more brilliant sunshine.  Stay safe, everyone!

  • No one on here last night, hope all is well with our USA friends. Maybe Diane is having power cuts again.

    OG/EE, good that you have progress with the ramp. Hope the snow keeps away for you, it sounds very cold indeed up there. A smattering of fresh snow here today, on top of the ice we already have: don't think I'll go out.

    It's February! No more January!

  • Agree, LINDY. Have been thinking about our US friends. And AQ, of course. 

    A baby snow fall here within the last hour but nothing much.

    OG - good that the ramp is started. What kind of construction?

  • (OG here).  No workmen today - same weather.  Been wondering about ForestBoar down in the Forest of Dean - hope he is okay and has a full freezer!

    Ramp is bog standard metal construction as authorised by the local council - can't grumble with the 80% grant which I didn't realise applied to house owners - almost worth being disabled!

  • Been doing the ironing to keep warm, plus cleaned out another cupboard. As the ice has abated, I've decided to risk going down the winding lanes to visit Friend G this afternoon.  Mind you, it started snowing again here ten minutes ago! Rang the dentist yesterday and arranged to have my annoying tooth out, on Monday. Not looking forward to it.

    Scenes on TV of folks stranded down in Cornwall, by the heavy snowfall.  Hope everyone has found somewhere warm to stay the night last night. 

  • OG - good that you will get help with the ramp. I have wondered about FB and how they are. My rellies in north Cornwall have a lot of snow ( by UK standards). 

    LINDY- my house is not easy to keep warm and heating is on for at least twelve hours every day and often more. My OH was careful with things but he used to say 'I didn't work hard all my life to be cold when I'm old'. I keep repeating his mantra when I think about the bills.....