Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 December 2018


Everyone have a wonderful and peaceful week!

  • I have to correct the name of Alia Malek's book, the correct title is The Home that was Our Country.

  • Yes, it's round the world, but not all of it - and not Cape Horn, unfortunately.  We go through the Panama Canal, which should be pretty spectacular.

  • AQ: Those Adelaide Rosellas are incredibly beautiful birds. Wish I could see one in person. I hope you stay safe from the fires! 

  • Annette:  I couldn't find a listing of the Alia Malek book, but I did find another - Refugee Stories - which has a number of authors listed, including her.  I've downloaded it.  Having been to Syria, I am saddened by what has happened there, particularly when I hear of places I have visited being reduced to rubble.  A very sad country.

  • Good Morning.  Yesterday, I wasn't sure whether to hit "reply" on the latest thread, or on the one at the top of the page. I went for the one at the top, and my post came out at the bottom!  -- however, it moved itself into the "latest" position at the head of the list, later.

    Had a relaxed day yesterday, pottering about and doing the ironing, then a quick zzz before getting changed and driving into The Big City for a super concert at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester. It was a John Wilson Concert; he played "Music from the Movies" and it wasn't just the usual tunes from musicals, but background themes from the golden age of films, from the 40's onwards, plus some wonderful songs from an excellent soprano including some rousing Barbra Steisand, so I was very happy. We bought a CD of his music on our way out. (If anyone is not sure, he's the conductor who brings his special orchestra to the stage every summer during The Proms season)

  • Well, I hit reply under the latest post this time and it came out at the top right away, so that's the difference.

    Pat, I'm excited for you - how's the diet going? I was looking at cruises the other day and going through the Panama Canal is on my list of things I'd like to include, although I think I'll have to wait for a bit as my OH wants to have his feet on land for a while. Don't forget that if you look, there are lots of books you can get for free for your Kindle - the first things I downloaded for mine were the complete works of Jane Austin, and Dickens. I love the writings of Alexander McCall Smith, I started with his African ones but now I adore the Scottish ones.

  • Yes, Lindy, I have downloaded lots of free books.  In fact, so far I haven't paid for any!  I was amazed at the number and variety of 'freebies' - I have everything from how to improve your golf swing to Spurgeon Gems, and lots of novels, biographies and … oh, everything you can think of!  I guess I'll have to start paying for books soon, but with more than fifty-three thousand 'freebies', not quite yet!

    It's not really a 'diet', but just cutting back on everything.  And it's going really well, although last week at a very nice hotel in Devon with extremely good food didn't help!  Still got four weeks to lose a bit more ...

  • Good idea to just "cut down" -  I lost a few pounds that way recently (but I've just put it all back on in just one week of indulgence.....)

    Raining here and miserable grey skies:  my OH is going to have to climb up onto the flat garage roof as we have some ominous bulges in the wallpaper which means that the seal for the roof is not working at the edge where the garage joins the house. It's happened before so hope he can find out what causes it.

  • Hello all and thank you DIANE.

    I've been reading but not posting because life is very quiet here just now, nothing to report!

    Shopping, housework, laundry and that is about it. No doubt things will pick up as Christmas approaches. Our Danish friends may visit for a few days over the festive period. Where to seat everyone? 

    Hope everyone is well and warm :-)

  • Sorry AQ - don't want you to be too warm.  How are the fires in Queensland?