WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018

Hey Everybody!  We're back.  :-)

  • Tony:  That was my experience too.  It didn't accept my e-mail and I can't remember ever having to use AnnetteinSoCal to log on before... 

  • The first of the How To Guides has been posted by JonB. How to Add Media to the Community and that includes multi-pictures.

    I hope this works!

    Edit:  nope it didn't.  I posted JonB's home page.  Hmmm back to the thinking!  It's a Word document.  I tried to post a link to his post.
    Second try, here.

    Edit 2:  it seems to have worked this time.  It takes you to the thread, and after a pause to the post.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi, folks. 

    Here are some explanations that may help people who are arriving on the newly designed site. I am using a PC, so I'm not certain that the following info will apply exactly to phones, tablets, etc.

    Where am I?

    Right now, you are looking at the Weekly Chat thread in the Loch Garten Forum of the RSPB Community. If you don't want to be in the Loch Garten Forum, you can go to the main Community page here: https://community.rspb.org.uk/  
    On the main Community page, on the right side, is a heading: All Forums in the RSPB Community. You can click on the links under that heading to go to any specific forum, such as Wildlife Questions, Feeding Garden Visitors, etc. 

    If you want to be in the Loch Garten Forum, but not on this Weekly Chat thread, you can click here: community.rspb.org.uk/.../loch-garten-ospreys    This is a list of all the threads in the Loch Garten Forum.

    If you are happy to be in this Weekly Chat thread, here's some further info:

    (1) At the top of the page, you will see a small heading: Top Replies. Those are simply the posts in the thread that have received the most Votes. What are Votes? After each post in the thread, you have the opportunity to click the little arrows up or down to indicate your opinion of the person's comment. The Up arrow means that you liked or agreed with the comment. The Down arrow means you disliked or disagreed with it. The posts that have received the greatest number of liked votes will be noted at the top of the page under "Top Replies".

    (2) Next you will see a line that says, Oldest   Votes   Newest. These options allow you to put the posts in the thread in the order that you want to see them. If you want to see the oldest posts first, click Oldest. If you want to see posts with the most votes first, click Votes. If you want to see the newest posts first, click Newest. 

    (3) To post your own comment: Go the top of the page to the first post -- that's the post of the person who started the thread, in this case it was Annette. Right after that original post is a REPLY button. Click that REPLY button. That will open a box where you can type your post and also insert photos. Finish your post and then click Reply. Your post will be placed all the way to the margin and appear as a fresh, new post.

    (4) To reply to someone else's comment, just click the Reply button after that person's post. Your comment will be indented and will be placed under that person's post as a reply. 

    I hope this helps people who are trying to figure out the new format. 

  • Thanks, Diane...... but oh, dear, I do struggle when things change drastically like this :-(  If I don't get into the way of things, it's possible that I won't be posting much in future :-( :-(

  • BTW I see that OG has not managed to come on yet:  I had an email from her saying the Site would not let her in!!

  • You'll figure out the new format, Lindy. It's just overwhelming because it's so different. OG couldn't sign in. The site kept rejecting her. She has contacted the RSPB for assistance. 

  • Has she tried her user name, rather than her email address? 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • A brilliant synopsis, Diane, thank you Slight smile

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Yup, Sheila. She tried both. It's some sort of glitch.