I have no choice but to start another thread because I can't create an independent post in an existing thread without replying specifically to a particular member's post.


(1) Is it a blip that there is no Reply box that does not require one to reply to a specific member's post.

(2) Is it intended that threads will not be paged but that we will be required to "Load more" ad infinitum to get to the end of a thread?  Some threads have hundreds, even thousands of posts.

(3) Will it be possible to set fonts to be more readable?  The present one is rather faint.

(4) Is it intended that so few of the posts will be visible on a page?  EG:

It would be helpful to have a "still to do" list from the Powers That Be, so we know whether to despair or not.  The way the forums are presently set up, they are unusable.


  • I've just written a long piece, which ended up by saying I could laugh or cry.... and it failed to post.  Error...

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Scylla

    I have found out how to do it now.

    If you want to post a general comment in a thread, but not as a reply to any particular persons comment, scroll to the opening post in the thread. There is a blue reply button. 

    Click on that button and the Comment box appears. Now you can post anything you want, add photos, videos and comments and then post it. This new comment joins the list of comments at the bottom of the thread.

    If you want to reply to a particular persons post, click on the blue reply button after that post and enter your comments as normal. When you click reply it will appear after that persons comment.

    I hope this is clear.

    Richard B

  • Have done that on CBO thread, thank you. .

    When you click 'newest, it brings it up to the top. I've noticed that forums are set at 'oldest' comments first by default I presume?. Maybe if they could change that to 'newest - all new posts would then automatically be at the start of the thread and then we could scroll down to more recent comments. Just a thought that I'll mention on the 'short survey' when I have a chance to do it. EDIT - I now realise that this is for personal choice!

  • I was already educated on that, thank you Richard, but it does bear repeating in my case ;)

    However, I cannot find "Newest" to re-order posts, only Descending/Ascending on the threads list.


  • Hi scylla. For me it appears just below the annoying Top Replies bit. 

  • For me it appears just below the annoying Top Replies bit. 

    I can't find the 'Top Replies' bit. Or the 'Newest'. Or the 'Descending/Ascending' bit. I have however managed to 'quote' you Alison so I have made some progress. I think I should try to read the User Guide some time today and in the meantime, do something that doesn't raise my blood pressure

  • I can't find the replies bit either, I did see the others earlier but now can't see them!  Hang in there Korky! I know the feeling!!

  • For me it appears just below the annoying Top Replies bit. 

    So it does!  Thank you Alison :)  But I just tried it and it doesn't seem to work for me :-/


  • I've seen your PM, thanks Scylla, but I still can't find the box to tick!  I must be the dummest of the dummest!  'Top Replies'???!!
    Has anyone any idea what 'Mute' on the grey box on the right mean?  I'm reluctant to try it as it sound fatal!!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Well this is a bit of a puzzle. There are those who can see the 'Top Replies','Descending/Ascending', 'Newest' buttons and those who can't. Then there are the very privileged people who can not only see the buttons but use them too. I've just checked the Firefox vs Safari experience to see if it's a platform problem but I'm still in the outer darkness vs the inner sanctum. The LG camera is down anyway so whilst 17 cresties are eating peanuts, I'm off to do some leaf clearing.