Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 October 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I thought I'd start the thread, because Annette is traveling.

I'm posting this photo (a National Park Service photo), because I was astonished to see a Scarlet Tanager eating small red berries in my garden this evening. These birds migrate to the tropical rain forest just east of the Andes in South America. It's been fairly cold here in my area, so this species should be long gone from here. I guess the one I saw this evening was a late migrater. I felt quite blessed to see him, and I wish the little fella well on his long journey. I hope the berries were good for him. 

Scarlet Tanager
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, northern Indiana
U.S. National Park Service photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • OG    Very sorry to hear how bad things are for you all.

    Once more there were no takers at the food bank, and nor last Monday or Friday.  We do not advertise as the way it works is that people are referred to food banks. We think that the area our food bank is in, may not be the correct place.

    HEATHER  It is a long time since we went to "The Mustard Seed" because we didn't find it consistent. Good to know that the rib eye got the thumbs up.

    We will be having an early evening meal as we are going to a screening of Sheridan Smith in "Funny Girl"  Think we may well go to "The Wife" tomorrow morning.

  • Sorry your meal wasn't up to scratch, Heather, but at least the guests enjoyed themselves.  Can be disappointing if you're looking forward to it.

    Enjoy seeing "Funny Girl", Dibnlib:  I loved the film with Barbra Striesand years ago, and Sheridan Smith is very talented, so it should be good. Looking forward to hearing about it!

    Went out on various errands this morning, and also did another food shop (who eats it all??)  This afternoon supervised my OH who cleaned some windows and brushed up leaves, then had an hour on the phone with my Friend G who is feeling 'not too bad' at the moment. I had to tell her that I darn't visit at present as my OH has the beginnings of a cold and of course she must not be exposed to any chance of infection whilst her immune system is low.

    Here is a pic which came out well of Matthew the Birthday Boy (he's 4) the other day, blowing out his candles:

    Edit:  the cake had a picture of dinosaurs on it, which went down well.  It was nice chocolate, too!!

  • OG – Lots of {{{HUGS}}}

    Once upon time I would start my Ch-mas aka spring cleaning in October, first windows and curtains. I have just scraped into October with my first window this morn. Oh, those little panes are so pretty, but such a pain to clean.

    Swan Hill saga cont. We stopped to visit the restored heritage listed homestead of the former Kow Plains pastoral station, near Cowangie. At its largest the station covered 81,000 acres. This was the first homestead built 1860s, later the cookhouse, with internal hessian walls covered with calico. In foreground is an underground water tank (freshly covered). Wells were sunk for water. The buildings were derelict by 1986, purchased by local council 1988 & restored.

    Drop log construction using Callitris pine. Internal walls plastered; ceilings of hessian, stone fireplace. As you can see there are plenty of gaps in walls and not snake-proof; thus one of our tutors visited each building to check for snakes before we were let loose.

    Another view of reconstructed cookhouse. Door between 2 rooms on left, then outside door, on right is hessian dividing wall (being used as display board).

    This was the homestead built late 1870s. Until Cowangie hall was built 1913 the homestead was used for meetings and church services.

    The original drop log privy was still standing 1986, rebuilt 2003.

    To be continued

  • Good Morning. It's been raining here and was cold again last night (the Weatherman says it was minus 7 in south Wales last night!)

    Will send you some chills, AQ.....  Thanks for posting the interesting pictures, it's good that there is enough enthusiasm to restore and keep these important bits of history.  By heck, those early settlers were tough!

    Diane, I thought you might be interested to hear that the fracking which has begun recently here in Lancashire, has just been halted as there have already been three seismic events in the two weeks since they started. I'm hoping that eventually it will have to be stopped altogether!

  • LINDY   "Funny Girl" was amazing from start to finish and Sheridan Smith was outstanding.  This morning we went to see "The Wife" and once again we thought it was outstanding.

  • Quiet here today and trying to make news for OG- except that I have nothing much to report!

    DIBNLIB - I agree about the Mustard Seed. First time I've been there for ages.

    AQ - Like LINDY, I wonder about the early settlers and think how hard it must have been for them. Thank you for always sharing with us!

    My house guests were out all day, drove around Loch Ness etc. I decided to stay at home and catch up with chores. Another cold day here. Minus something or other for a lot of the time.

    One more day before I leave with my friends to begin our journey to Denmark. They have shopped and shopped, here! When I'm in Denmark I shop for Danish food to bring home and they get very enthusiastic about buying British food when they are here!

    Regards to all, especially OG and EE.

  • Sorry, I've been busy again!  Done lots of boring housework and done some housekeeping on my pc as well!

    I've been starting on my several hundred photographs, taken on holiday, and hope to post some of them soon. It's been a chilly wind here but I put out some trousers I'd washed, and they dried on the line, eventually.

    Hope you're enjoying the company of your Danish friends, Heather, although it must be nice to have them go out exploring without you for some of the time!

    Have a lovely trip with them and tell us about it, later.

  • It's been bitterly cold here today - 'lazy' wind and freezing drizzle.  We played six holes of golf this morning, then decided to play the ninth and go in for a cup of hot coffee.  A very good idea!  We play golf to enjoy ourselves and get some fresh air and exercise, not to practice masochism!

    Hope OG and EE are coping - healing thoughts winging their way to you.

    Heather - hope you enjoy your trip to Denmark.  It's odd that overseas visitors always seem to enjoy our food more than we do!  A bit like Australians wanting Marmite!  Or is that just a myth?

    Hoping for better weather over the next few days - but from the forecast, it may well be a forlorn hope.  Supposed to be going to Chartwell with a friend on Saturday - at least there's plenty to see inside there if the forecast does what it's threatening.

  • Hallo all: Home sweet home!  That was a long drive for a short visit; OH can fly next time.  :-)

    Lindybird: M is growing up - such lovely hair!

    AQ: I hate to think what you might meet in that outhouse!  Hessian is defined as an inhabitant of Hesse, but suspect we'd call it burlap.

    Heather: Have fun in Denmark. When are you due back?

    Will catch up tomorrow.  Take care all.

  • Pat O said:
    A bit like Australians wanting Marmite!  Or is that just a myth?

    Pat, Aussies do not like Marmite. It is Vegemite that we can't do without. Very distinct flavours; marmite is horrible!

    Just home from food shop. My usual fruit/veg is under new management. Some especially carrots, broccoli look tired, 2nd rate. Today I had to return library books, deposit excess single-use plastic in special bin at a single store, so I tried a new fruit/veg shop in a different shopping centre. So far looks OK. But I forgot to take excess bags <sigh> Next time.

    OH is joining me for nanny duty as it will be a shortened day. Miss7's Guides are meeting later, I shall drop her off at 5 pm and continue home. The girls are doing a Reverse Trick or Treat, that is they are visiting nearby houses to give away stuff. What next! I notice a house down our street has "cobwebs" all over their front garden. I must prepare for this evening's visitors.