Hallo all:  Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...

  • Alicat - sounds as though you have had a difficult time.  Hope you are able to enjoy your birthday, and that things calm down a bit now.

  • ALICAT:  Happy Belated Birthday - but sounds as if you haven't had much time to enjoy yourself.  Do hope things settle down at some point.

    OG: Our Food Bank has volunteers that will come and harvest backyard fruit, but we have this massive staghorn fern perched in the tree which makes it quite challenging. I see FB vans outside our grocery stores in the mornings to pick up food that's at it's "best/sell by" dated.  Then at TxGiving and Xmas, the supermarkets make up bags of food that you can buy at the check stand but which then go to the Food Bank.

    Dentist this morning, but just for cleaning, which I don't like either but there you are....

    Have discarded lots of photos and finally moved the best to my computer. Promise I won't overwhelm anyone when I finally get around to posting.

  • Annette - looking forward to the photographs!

  • Dad has been diagnoised with dementia mum wont put him in home trying to do it herself with carer going in in a morning

  • ALICAT- so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry about your Dad x

    FORESTBOAR- Enjoy your holiday in Cornwall with all the family. I had a job persuading my OH not to go on the zip wire at the Eden Project. He was in his eighties and I really didn't think that it was a good idea!

    ANNETTE- I think that the cleaning bit at the dentist is awful ( but necessary!) I haven't needed a filling for many years but hate the scraping etc that the hygienist inflicts on me. My own fault, I suppose!!

    Eldest daughter's father in law is now in hospital - arranged yesterday.

    Regards to all -

  • Thanks, Heather. Nice to be back, although we enjoy going away. If you know what I mean.

    Annette, we have big bins in supermarkets which you can drop your donations into, for the Food Banks. They ask for non perishable stuff but I did see a packet of bacon from the chiller left in one, once!

    Alicat,  sorry about your Dad.  Your Mum may find she can't cope eventually, I do hope it won't be too much for her.

    I'm enjoying watching the AutumnWatch programme this year, it's being done from New England this time instead of in the UK. They've just shown the migration of the hawks, and also the local woodpeckers and owls. Ospreys were mentioned briefly!

  • Annette, they just talked to David Allen Sibley, the famous ornithologist and bird illustrator - what a clever man!

  • Osprey-holics may wish to watch the Port Lincoln, South Australia, ospreys. Links here. Instagram or Facebook.

  • So do i, i worry about her spoke to my sister she is going to get though and see if she can persude mjm to get dad in somewere thanks for birthday wishes ect..