Hallo all:  Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...

  • Hello all.

    OG - We also have all the hymns/songs projected on a screen am only with a traditional service in the evening using the hymn books.We have a rota of about 3/4 people operating the overhead screen, seems to work ok unless we get a technical hitch. Most churches do this nowadays.

    Well, the week started wet and dull and for the past 2 days we have had damp and overcast skies, still it could be worse.

    AQ - glad your nanny duty was not as fearful as you thought. You are doing sterling work for your dau. Poor cat though, at least one can let one's go out or come in as they please over here.

  • ForestBoar - have a great half-term in Cornwall.

    Thanks all for your snippits of news.

    We have decided to give the gym a miss this week as OH has an eye infection and a cold and we don't want to pick up any more bugs before going away on Friday.

  • Lindybird:  I have Sibley's Field Guide to Birds: Western North America.  It's a great source.

    AQ; Wow, that osprey camera is very high definition - the feather details are amazing  (someone just showed up with a fish!)   I just looked back (thanks to others' posts about the cat) and amazed to read that cats aren't allowed out after 7:30!!  Is this a Homeowner's Association rule or county/city silliness? Surely not nationwide I hope!     I thought we had all the stupid laws.  :-)

    Alicat: Very difficult position for your Mom re your Dad; she probably feels as if she'd be abandoning him, but as Heather says, it will likely get too much after a while.

    Forestboar: Hope your Cornwall trip is perfect!

    Heather: We really like the hygienist at our dentist's office - we've been going to her for eons.   Anyway, she and I were chatting this morning (well, mostly her as I had my mouth open) and she and her OH just adopted a rescue dog to replace their ancient and much loved one that was put down recently. Then she asked how Lightning was and I said we'd had to do the same in April.  So we went back and forth about how hard it was to put down pets until we both ended up in tears. Time to change the subject! we said, laughing at ourselves. So she tells me she's going to Ireland next year on vacation, but also to take her mother's ashes to bury there and I said I'd really love to have had my mother buried in Ireland, which she'd really missed, at which point we both ended up in tears again! Then we burst out laughing again about how silly we were. When I left, the receptionist commented on how much fun we must've been having because we'd been laughing so loudly.

    Still more oranges to take off the tree.....

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.

  • Lynette & Annette – No, no, no, there is no regulation here about cats after dark (although the anti-cat pro-wildlife people would like to). This is Dau’s own rule. Fluffy often refuses to come inside when called and Dau will not chase around backyard trying to catch her (tripping over toys probably). I had no success calling her in in daylight. Dau’s previous cat took to wandering nearby streets until one day she did not return.

    Nanny duty, normal variety, this arvo. OH for the third day has stayed home because of showers. By tomorrow he will be so desperate he will go out to lunch even if it is stormy LOL. I must ask if he wants to visit Little People with me.

  • AQ: Ah - thanks for explaining domestic cat rules! Just another example of me getting my exercise by jumping to conclusions.  It didn't sound very Oz-like I must say! Are you being subjected to dawn to dusk coverage of the Royals?  :-))

  • Am trying to post photos, but pesky photo editing software has updated or something and I'm having a hard time resizing the images.  Anyway, here are a couple of photos of Santa Fe and the art that's so much in evident in all the public places.

    In the following pix, those wavy things in the building's forecourt are dolphin sculptures..

    Well, I'm trying to paste another photo that for some reason insists on posting sideways, even though it's the correct rotation in my file.  Obviously, more futzing with the program is involved....   Blech!

  • Good Morning, All.  Grey and dull here.

    Love the dolphins, Annette.  Looking forward to the rest of your pics.  I have hundreds from our latest trip, plus I realised that I never finished doing The Flower Show this year --  and, ahem ----  unbelievably, I think I completely forgot to ever get around to finishing the ones from Malta, which I found the other day!!  I remember now that I "kept the best ones until last" of Valletta. I must have been interrupted and they never got put on.

    My OH has gone with the estate car to get its M.O.T. certificate done. I'm off to buy grub later.

  • Love the dolphins, ANNETTE.

    Another good day, here. Just one shower which I was sorry about as I had sprayed more moss killer. Anyway, a productive time spent outside.

    OG - I do miss home grown potatoes!

  • First, a warning to anyone who saw my apparent recommendation of Annandale Distillery Visitor Centre and Café – it’s useless if you have restricted mobility!  We had visited when it first re-opened and was quite promising – I was still walking on two sticks at that time.  It has been extolling the virtue of it’s award-winning accessible toilets and various improvements to the site and has won awards.  However, on arrival at the disabled car park yesterday, we found there was no accessible route for a wheelchair (or scooter) to reach the facilities, and an ambulant person with any foot or leg pain would have found it extremely uncomfortable trying to cross the yard paved with traditional stone setts – lovely to look at but impossible to use!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • That must have been so disappointing, OG. I'm sure that you will draw their attention to the shortcomings.