Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week -- the last week before the Autumn Equinox. 

Instead of a picture, here are two short videos:

I love THIS OWL. Unfortunately, I can make that same face when I'm angry about something important. Seriously. LOL! (Video is 10 seconds.)

Annette needs ONE OF THESE to help her harvest oranges from her tree. LOL! (Video is 1 minute 38 seconds.)

Take care, all. 

  • LINDY - I enjoy reading everything on here but it is especially good to 'feel' others' happiness and excitement.

    That wasn't Sheanas last cruise, either! The next year she went on a Round Britain cruise and took her next door neighbour on the other side. True to form ( too many days away from home and OH) I refused her kind offer and was so delighted when the other neighbour accepted. They had a wonderful time and it gave her more memories.


  • Quite high winds here from time to time last night but nothing much this morning. Hope that OG may escape the incoming stuff. Wonder if LINDY will be affected. My stepson is/ was piloting a submarine I've yet to hear what the weather is/was like but according to the forecast they can expect up to Force 11 winds. We were texting each other - I replied 'Submarine?' and he said ' Yes, long black thing that travels under water - but not, I hope, when I'm aboard'.

  • You're welcome, Heather - winds are getting up, here. We will have to take down our hanging basket in case it blows away! My OH is tidying up the garden, a couple of shrubs have died in the summer but I've told him to leave the stumps in case they revive in Spring.

    Sheana certainly enjoyed life. An inspiring person.

    I'm off to do the ironing!

  • My day was not as expected. Dau phoned to cancel my nanny duty as all had colds, (s-i-l had been sent home from work!) and Miss6 had a vomiting bug. After my usual food shop & stashed the stuff , I took off to Kmart seeking jigsaw gift. Incredible, 100 piece jigsaw for $3. That’s about £1.65. I hate to think what the poor person making them is being paid. I bought two jigsaws plus a book about stars & planets and a picture atlas. Some will be for C-mas. Returned home to find that OH had decided not to go out to lunch again. After lunch I fell asleep as I had woken at 5.15 am & unable to sleep again. Dau rang late pm, obviously needing some TLC. Miss6 was sleeping, MissL was napping and it sounded as if Dau should be.

    Heather – OH has, at present, 3 restaurants to lunch in. Number & venues have varied as menu or staff change. He eats alone. Now I did eat by myself when I toured UK alone, but that was only a few weeks. I can’t imagine doing it long time/years. I don’t eat much for lunch so it would be a waste of time me joining him. BTW when I ate alone on my travels, I always had a book open on the table. Then people didn’t think I was staring at them!

    Linda – I hope the tickets have been sorted. You don’t need that to add to last days turmoil.

  • Don't mention the tickets, AQ!!  - we're waiting for today's post and if they're not amongst it my OH will be going down to bang on the counter at the Travel agents! He's already had an argument with our Doctors practice, as he requested a form to go for a blood test and they seemed to think that he didn't need it. But we know that he does, because he has an appointment regarding his checks which are twice yearly.....

    Also, Awful Cousin arrived on Monday. We haven't seen her yet, but she is already causing much chatter and discussion. We are going to take her out tomorrow, and hopefully it'll be the only time we'll see her on this trip.

    My blood pressure is going up by the hour.....

    I know what you mean, you often see people on their own looking at a book or a laptop when dining alone.

  • Now, it's just started raining on my laundry!!! Bah!!

  • Hope your tickets arrive, LINDY. Big rain here about midday.

    AQ - I'm glad that you weren't exposed to all the bugs. Regarding eating alone - I used to travel hither and yon when working. Always pretended to be reading at the table! I'm a people watcher, too....

    I've been asked to host a family meal on Sunday. My input is apparently making smoked salmon pate and melba toast and buying a roasting joint of beef. And supervising!

    Sorry about AC, LINDY. Hope you survive ! My brother just phoned. He and his wife are arriving here on 2nd October, for a week.

  • Well, storm Ali is roaring round the house, trees are bending 90 degrees (luckily still all young and "whippy"), birds are flying backwards and sideways - especially the larger ones which catch the 50 mph wind (gusts are around 80mph).  Local region has declared a major incident - things seem worse towards the west and in town centres.  Some road closures due to trees and masonry falling.  J had to drive his car to Carlisle outskirts for annual service and MoT - used the old road rather than motorway and is thankfully now safe at home.  We are assuming the main road to Dumfries will have been cleared of fallen trees and reopened before we travel in for my cataract op tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad you are all safe, OG. Best thoughts for your journey and cataract op tomorrow.

  • Storm now reached East coast, although still some life-threatening gusts over this side.  Apparently one registered over 102pmh on Tay Bridge this afternoon!  We didn't get as much rain as the central belt.  Don't know how far north this will go before heading out in the North sea.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!