Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • bjane: Some people from my area -- who run an old frontier mill -- were visiting the Wagaman Mill & Museum in Iowa, and there was a lot of flooding there. Hope you're okay and safe, bjane.

    AQ: I hope you're feeling better. Sorry that the rain I sent to you soaked you at the carpark! Seriously, I hope you kick your cold soon.

  • Good morning, all.

    What a lovely surprise, LINDY!

    ANNETTE - I'm imagining how excited your niece is, and you, also. I hope (know) that you will have a great time together and you will get all the latest news from your UK family.

    My friend has several medical conditions. Osteoporosis, hypertension, severe arthritis in left knee, pin and plate etcin right hip and femur after a fall, Type 2 diabetes, biliary cholangitis and cataracts. She is a small slim previously very active woman of 76 who is obviously thoroughly fed up with pills and doctors and new conditions appearing with monotonous regularity. I've managed to get hold of a glucose monitor so watch this space!

    We had a very enjoyable day out yesterday with eldest daughter and her husband. First a carvery lunch at Brodie Countryfare. Then we drove to Logie Steading and mooched around the little shops there. Next was a drive down to Aviemore then Cairngorm where we drove up as far as we could and despite a bullying wind enjoyed looking at spectacular scenery. We collected granddaughter and her boyfriend (I liked him!)from daughter's house and had supper here at home. Cheeses, cold meats etc. I imagine that we will have a quiet day, today. My friend was tired last night and is still sleeping.

  • Oh, goody, lots written in the night!  

    Good Morning, All.  Damp and drizzly here, but still warm. Annette, that's a very long way to drive on your own. Glad it was without incident. Your niece must be very excited about her trip, and I'm sure you'll both have a great time.

    Heather -  Your friend must be dismayed to find so many health issues cropping up, but I must say I'm surprised that she doesn't seem to try to manage them better. She will be enjoying herself during her stay, with you arranging such good outings.

    Lots for me to do, today again - the suitcase is not being put away, as on Friday we are off again, to visit our Eldest and family. Not only will we see Amber after a long interval, but our Youngest is coming over with his family on Saturday so that we can all be together.

  • Annette - I forgot to say that you're absolutely right, the hat has a reinforced brim which means you can turn it up or down. Also, it can be squashed up to put in the luggage or in your bag when you're out and about - wonderful! She had been reduced to looking at straw hats, which of course do not fold up.

    She is off to Lanzarote on the very day that Awful Cousin arrives here soon, and hopes that the coincidence will send a message......

  • Good morning everyone.

    Good for you Annette, driving all that way. Enjoy your time with you're neice.

    What a lovely surprise Lindybird.

    Bonnie - hope you're feeling ok after eating that dodgy piece of rabbit.

    Diane-  thanks for starting the thread and for the lovely pic.

    Away soon to dogsit for eldest daughters collie as she is working today. We took all the dogs to a dog field yesterday which you can hire for an hour and get the place to yourselves. Dogs love it and get a good run about.  Miserable day here. Pouring down. Phoned grandson to offer lift to college as it's his first day but he was already on his way.  Hope he gets on well.

  • Hi!  Yesterday – mix of mizzle, drizzle and later quite dry, and we never actually got wet when we went out.  Today, real rain in night, drizzle and now more rain.

    Had mostly a good day out.  Hill and woodland journey was spoiled by lack of views through the weather, and it was certainly wetter up that way.  Lunch was excellent – I had the carrot and nut roast with salad, followed by a fresh cream and strawberry sponge, which OH had to finish for me!  Jazz was very good – a band which we used to hear regularly in Dumfries.  When we left, we phoned ahead for a table for dinner, but they couldn’t fit us in till later, so we came home first and then set off again.  My legs were very painful and didn’t like the extra in and out of the car, it was late for us to eat, and the menu has become very strange, so shan’t be going to Greens @ Gretna again – a pity as we have had some good meals there with family in the past.  I had fishcakes with spinach as the only thing I felt I could tolerate at that time – the menu said there was also crushed new potatoes, but they turned out to be soggy mash - almost puree, and not needed because of the potato content of the fishcakes.

    We were going shopping in M&S Food today, but decided that tomorrow will be better for weather, some recovery for my legs and various changes we had to make to the menus because of what we had yesterday!  So today has become cleaning day.

    Linda – I enjoyed Bonnie’s blog last evening – although in light of the rabbit find, I suppose I shouldn’t have!  Will you have to do all the jigsaws yourself before they go to the grandchildren to check that they are all present and correct?  How nice to receive flowers – a pity they are roses, as they just don’t last in water.  I hope you can get to see G today and that she will be feeling a bit brighter.  How good that you can see all the family together at the weekend.  I have a hat like the one you describe – only trouble is the colour, which doesn’t really go with any of my clothes, but I tell myself that, as a sun-hat, I wear it for medical reasons – it’s a very bright green with pink trim!

    Annette – pleased about the good journey this time – but that’s a lot of miles!  End of meteorological summer here was Saturday – but geographical summer ends 23rd this year!

    Heather – I know just how your friend feels, with the multiple conditions.  Do you think you can persuade her to monitor her glucose and eat appropriately?  That sounds a lovely road trip you gave her yesterday – some of my favourite places – especially Logie Steading!

    Gillian – do your own dogs go with you to play with the collie?  I am sure your thoughts are with your grandson – I hope his day goes well!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes OG but not as concerned about grandson as I would have been before.  Is much more confident and relaxed since moving into mine and I hope he finds new friends at college. Yes my dogs go too. They don't like other dogs but are fine with Crusoe the collie because he's such as good natured lump. Wish I could post a pic but can't work it out yet.

    Glad you had a good day yesterday apart from your evening meal. Never know why restaurants change their menus if the previous one works.

    Lindybird - hope your visit with G finds her as well as possible. She will be pleased to see you.

    Heather - sounds like you had a great day. Stunning countryside in that area.

  • Gillian - I will post simple instructions on posting pictures, later this evening. If I can do it, anyone can!

    Been out on errands: Friend didn't want my visit today so we have arranged for me to go there late tomorrow morning. So I've got other things done instead. Also had a visit here from another of my OHs relatives, who kindly brought me a pretty orchid in a pot.

    Lady next door who just moved in recently had long conversation with my OH, whilst he was up a ladder inspecting the apple tree; he pronounced that the baby pigeons have now flown, so he s knocked the bottom out of the nest to stop them coming back, and taken out a couple more branches. She said that she would be having the builders in soon! - now, we're speculating as to what she will have done to the house.

  • ps -- -   OG, yes, I've been doing giant jigsaws on the dining table, they seem to be all present and correct so far, I've still got one to do with hundreds of Minions on it! - If you know what Minions are, they're all very similar so I'm expecting it to be difficult, LOL!

  • Diane-Thanks for thinking of me, you are so very kind. We seem to be in the middle of a very wet weather pattern right now. It's supposed to keep this up all week. I'll let you know if I float away. They will be watching the rivers and creeks for flood levels. I think the museum has had it's share of flooding in recent years.