Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

I'm including a link to this 1-minute video just because I thought it was funny. It's a parody of the David Attenborough BBC Planet Earth scene about the Bird of Paradise male trying to attract a mate. It made me laugh out loud. I thought others maybe could use a laugh, too. 

  • Evening all:

    FB: I too was horrified at the prospect of your waiting until April for an appointment; we're all relieved to read you'd only momentarily lost the plot!

    Diane:  What a thrill to happen upon the turkey - and such a biga one from the sounds of it.  I've seen wild turkeys in the hills behind us, but never that big.  And how smart of them to form groups to help with chick care - It takes a village, even in turkey land.  :-)  By the way, I can start the thread tomorrow so you can keep turkey watch.

    Lindybird:  Gosh, that's nice to hear G has gained some weight.    Hope the additional Freon (not sure if they still use that!) sorted out Ruby's problem. You'd certainly need a/c with all the weather you guys have been having.  Think of all the money we'd save if we'd married auto mechanics, plumbers, etc., etc. 

    Everybody: Lindy's sign was a riot BUT go to Google Images and search for Wallingford Sign and there's a whole bunch of them!  :-))  Apparently, the sign is outside a gas station in Wallingford, a suburb of Seattle, Washington. Somebody in that area is very, very funny.  Thank you Lindybird for some real laughs!

    Lynette:  No wonder you got a cold with the weather as it is - so unusual for the UK.  Hope doc will be able to sort you out without too much bother.

    Have a good Saturday all.  

  • Good Morning. Woke early today!  Noises on the roof, from some kind of bird! (Not expecting to see turkeys, though, LOL!) Cloudy outside but warm.

    Annette - I saw an item that the sign I posted was just one of many, but I didn't have time to investigate. Had a look, now: they're really funny, aren't they!

    Lynette- Sorry you need to see a specialist, but it's for the best if they're not sure what's going on. Hope it all gets resolved.

  • DIANE   lovely story about the wild turkey and same to say about LINDYs poem.

    Can't remember if I posted this pic of the group of us indulging. I am nearest the camera and OH is in the check shirt beside me

  • dibnlib:  Did indeed see that photo - and must say that it all looks very serene and pleasant - my kind of cruise: not too far from land on calm waters and a swan's eye-view (perhaps) of passing attractions. You and OH are looking very well.  I'm assuming the waiter took the photo (I was counting plates and bodies).  :-)

  • Want to catch up before new week, but quite tired so maybe brief!

    bJane – I too am told it is “white coat syndrome” – I do have hypertension, but not helped by difficulty getting measurement.

    Annette – received postcard from Dau#1 today – from Brussels en route to Leipzig.  She and OH have gone by train because she refuses to fly.  GDaus are flying out to join them Monday having finished helping at Bible camps today.  They are all visiting a young lady whom they hosted for college a few years ago.

    Diane – “Dog-centric” holiday park sounds very luxurious – but I know they will love it, after all their work with needy dogs and rehoming.  Wonderful account of your Turkey visitor dropping in with her family – and as you say an indication of others in the area.  Eider ducks do a similar thing – a nursery “raft” of Eider mothers and young will also include unencumbered “aunties” who help keep watch over numerous offspring!

    AQ – would never imagine that the Murray River could ever run dry, but, of course, human activity upstream always affects those below!

    FB – pleased you have a diagnosis and can soon start treatment.

    Linda – pleased you thought G looked a bit better yesterday.  Loved the Turkey poem – one of your best, I would say!

    Heather – you sound tired – I hope you get a break before any other family activity – although you love their proximity, it is good to get a break!

    Lynette – only one Little One – Grandsons (and granddaughters too) are all grown up now, so we just have the one 20-month Great Granddaughter – and another on the way!  Our actual anniversary was Wednesday 1st – the day of our second celebration lunch.  Is yours actually while you are away on your special holiday?  I hope your specialist visit on Thursday goes well.

    Friday here was not good weather, but we found things to occupy us indoors – I was mostly sorting pieces of paper.  Today has been back to summer, and we were outside most of the time – catching up with the hoeing and dead-heading.  Hoping to get the front mowed before next wet days, now that it has managed to grow a bit.  OH will go to church tomorrow morning as he is on projection duty, but he hopes to paint some new battens on the shed (result of the recent roof repair) and refit its gutter.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • That is a lovely photo, dibnlib. As Annette says, it looks serene and peaceful. The food and drink look good too!

    Thank you, AQ, for explaining the dryland techniques. I had to look up a map of Oz to find the River Murray. I have never been to Australia, so have little idea of the geography. I did not know that cotton and rice were grown there. I know that both need a lot water, as you say.

    We had thoughts of combining a trip to NZ and Australia, but too many places to visit in both, so settled for NZ. (some years ago)

    It was nice to read your long post, Diane. Thank you for your kind words.

    The building work continues. Apparently, only the plaster has been removed from the walls so far. I believe the ceiling has to be jacked up before the walls proper are removed (you can see how technical I am not)  It would appear the worst is yet to come!

    After some useful rain about a week ago, it is now hot and dry in the southeast again. The hosepipe has been busy on certain plants when I have the time. My neighbour helps with the box plants in containers. I have been dealing with the second generation of box caterpillars.

    I am not sure when you are off to look after your friend's dogs, Diane, but hope you enjoy your time there. Very interesting about the turkeys. The wildest things I get to see are foxes. I did see a dead baby hedgehog last week. I was sorry it was dead, but was pleased to find out that there are some around. I have not seen one in this area for years. They are fast disappearing from many places.