WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2018


  • Good Morning.   Bright again, here. High temps predicted everywhere in the UK for the next two days, but thankfully a drop after that.

    Sad stories coming from Greece, where many people have lost everything. 

    Rosy, I think we've lost an Azalea, it's gone completely brown, but I'm surprised at how some of our plants are surviving. Big apples on our tree this year, but then it's an old tree with deep roots.

  • Hello to all -

    ANNETTE - my OH used to use Quicken and Excel etc and maybe, latterly another system on his desktop PC but I don't know how to set it up on mine. I just keep receipts until they appear on my online bank account statement, which I check every day. Then I dump the receipts. The awful truth about what I spend is in front of my eyes every morning ;-(

    LINDY/ROSY - I noticed yesterday that a Ribes is shrivelling up. Gave it a quick drink and then remembered that it isn't one of my favourites so won't be sorry if it dies. It is, so far, the only shrub that is wilting. I'd better go and inspect all of them. None have been watered so far. There are many many bunches of grapes on the vine. The roots of a vine go down a long way, so OH said.

    I've just been tidying up the garage. Callum will find that all his car cleaning stuff is now back on a shelf. And he'd better keep the stuff tidy or we will be having words.

  • Getting v. hot here again. Been food shopping (again!) and now having early lunch before going to pick up Friend to go to cool cinema!

  • Sounds like many of us have been enjoying yet more nice weather.  So very sad about the Osprey chick being killed when an attempt to ring it went wrong.  We were also sad when we found a tree creeper dead in the back garden. We are presuming it flew into a window when we were out.

  • Morning all:  

    Heather: My OH updated his Quicken program and it defaults to a format different from the previous version, so I have to keep checking what happened, especially as OH already entered some info. Also, OH's keyboard is offset, unlike mine which doesn't have the numeric pad and I keep "defaulting" to my hand position. Still, I just entered the most recent cc bill and managed to do it without resorting to sweary words.  I'd never keep such detailed financial records as OH - I've always managed to keep tabs on where it goes and why in my head..

    Found ancient muffins in the fridge this morning and tossed them out the door - the crows were thrilled and are waiting for more.....

    Am gradually catching up with the garden and just tried one of the oranges (still on the tree).  Thought it would be passed it's prime, but it was wonderfully sweet and juicy... (yes, and now I've got a sticky keyboard).

    Off to make an attitude adjustment to more positive outlook!

  • Came on an hour ago, wrote a  l o n g  post - and it wouldn't post!

  • I wonder what the problem is, LINDY. Hope that you both enjoyed the film!

  • Like the other day, there was no "post" button to click on, after I'd finished writing.

    I did review the film, but for now will just say that G and I both enjoyed it. Will do a review later, maybe tomorrow.  Must finish packing for tomorrow, as we hope to leave for Wales after breakfast.

  • Hello all, not been on all week so will try to catch up sometime.

    Hope all is well with you all. Finding the heat a bit too much and prefer to be inside in the shade. It seems very draining with this humidity however we are promised some heavy rain coming in tomorrow and after that turning marginally cooler for a day or two! Had our first rain for some time today, heavy shower which didn't last long.

  • Dibnlib how wonderful to put a name to a photo.   Glad you enjoyed your cruise. Sounded wonderful.