Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Annette- If our side doesn't get out and vote, he may be here for another 6 1/2 years (eek!) can't imagine how much damage he can do in that amount of time......

  • bjane: I can't even fathom 6 1/2 more years...

    I stopped in here to say that I hope you're okay tonight. I just checked weather.com before going to bed early for a change. I saw the warnings about the supercell tornadoes in Iowa. Be safe, dearie.

    I'm off to listen to the BBC World Service. Night, all.

  • Evening all:  Fountain is now working again!  No sweary words Diane but light bulb came on while I was sitting having lunch and I remembered the problem  I had last year - a stuck impeller.  Lindybird: You have a better memory than I!  Anyway, I took the fountain apart again, poked the impeller and it started, so I put everything back together while it was running and all okay right now.

    bjane: Hope you're safe there......  I'm planning to work the phones for our side before the midterms and if that doesn't do the trick, I'll pick you up on the way to Diane's house and we'll sneak over the border into Canada!

    More gardening today.  Roses are all cleaned up; hummingbird feeders all filled up; paperwork sorted.  Sigh.  :-)

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Bright here and a warm day forecast for our Flower Show visit. Sun cream will be applied! Hats will be worn and photos will be taken!

    Annette -  Glad you got the fountain going - you'll want everything to look good ready for Putins visit!  (--  duck --)

    bjane - Hope you're OK.

    l must get going. 

  • Enjoy Tatton, LINDY. I hope that your friend manages to go.

    Raining most of the night here and continuing as I type. I'm not complaining!

    Glad the pump is fixed, ANNETTE. Unlike LINDY, I had forgotten about last year.

  • Watching golf - it's pouring with rain at Carnoustie … but not a drop down here.

  • Hello!  Real rain this morning, enough to actually penetrate the soil, but it stopped before lunch and the paved paths are now dry.  J is thoroughly cleaning his bedroom, and OH has gone for his follow-up hearing test, so I’ll see if I can catch up on the thread!

    Further to my post about the Saucer Bug found at Caerlaverock on Tuesday, the Bioblitz also found a Moth species new to Dumfries and Galloway!

    Linda – love Bonnie’s new bed, and she looks so cosy in it!  I hope your PPI claim will be successful!   Ukulele has been big around here for a few years; J bought himself a little one to start with, and then we bought him a tenor Uke.  Granddau#2 also plays.  There are soloists, ukulele bands and festivals in this area.  I hope you are enjoying the Flower Show today, and that G has managed to get there, if only for a short visit.

    Heather – no way her next door will pay towards our wall, the damage is wholly on our side.  Great for the girls to go to the fruit farm – will their Daddy be able to eat the results, or is his diet restricted? 

    Pat – how lovely to have an extra little boy adopted into the family.  Musical gifts sound wonderful!  I think people probably drop crumbs at home, but pick them up before they get squashed onto the floor, but when they are out, well, it’s somebody else’s problem!  Memories of Carnoustie via the golf – we stayed at the Links for a bird conference one year, and because we requested an accessible room, we were given one of the top-notch suites, normally occupied by the big names of golf when there is a tournament on!  It was very posh!

    AQ – had a good chuckle at the bakery photo – the Tarts notice!

    Annette – with having been so busy with the AZ bathroom, you are wise to postpone any decision about new blinds at home!  Sorry the fountain reassembly gave you problems again – glad it is back up-and-running.

    BJane – 6½ more years of Trump?  I would go old and grey – if I wasn’t already!  We complain about our politicians, but at least most of them are politicians, not self-centred i****s!  I hope the Tornadoes didn’t touch you yesterday!

    Last few days have been quiet but busy for us.  Tuesday was cleaning day, majoring on the shower rooms.  Next day I had my fasting blood test (result probably next Monday) , we did a few bits of routine jobs and then the podiatrist came in the afternoon.  I have had a painful toe; she dug it about a bit, found nothing but dressed it – was okay till OH decided to bang it this morning, so now feels bad again – I guess that was what had happened to it before!  We also had an hour in the garden Wednesday  – just more of the same, weeding, hoeing and deadheading, and then OH did the usual watering.  Yesterday I didn’t feel well – seem to have a cold – which slowed things down.  We tested the garden potatoes, which have now grown big enough, and froze about four courgettes, and our time in the garden that afternoon was spent dozing and watching the birds!  No garden time today – and we just had another rain shower, so no watering this evening, apart from the greenhouse, where the tomatoes are ripening thick and fast.

    This now looks very long – hope it’s not too boring!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: I must confess I've been so preoccupied with my own busyness I've missed responding to others' posts - Heather's mention of trip to fruit farm; Bonnie's new bed; Lindybird's trip to Tatton (but thank you for doing so!).  I was thinking you must've been busy in the garden.

    Lindybird:  If Mr. P comes anywhere near this side of the country, I shall be there shouting rude words.

    Off to Tai Chi class and garden-related errands.....

  • We're home after our busy day:  I could walk no more after lunch, and we admired some offerings from plant nurseries, looked at a colourful display near the entrance, then left. By then it was trying to rain, although only a few scattered drops were falling. After we drove home, it tried to rain properly, but it's still not been enough for the garden. We had a lovely time, including a sit down by the bandstand with a delish home made ice cream (strawberry for me, it had some actual pieces of fruit in it, and my OH plumped for caramel). I bought some allium bulbs and a metal flower to put in the border! Plus I found a super little bag by Radley with dogs on it, for sis-in-law.

    OG - I see you're OK, apart from your poor toe. Hope you don't get a cold.

  • Forgot to say, as we left the Show, we met Gs husband and her friend who is visiting - G had not gone to the show as she felt too weak this morning.