Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Good Morning, All. Cloudy here this morning, and a little rain is possible. Sorry to keep going on about the weather!

    OG - Yes, I remember the song about the "Honeysuckle & The Bindweed" - I adore Flanders & Swann. Your lunch out sounds good, except for the haggis, LOL!!

    Annette - Sorry about the tools. You get used to using your favourites. At least you'll be back for them before too long. Glad to hear that you've been sitting down for a bit!

    I've read everyone else's posts but can't reply to all....

    I'm off to the Docs, to report to her that the cream she gave me for my red patchy face, seems to be working. Also I'm not as dizzy, although I'll have to admit to her that I've not been doing the exercises as often as prescribed (4 times a day). I will keep up doing them though, as its definitely helping.

  • My favourite line from 'The Honeysuckle and the Bindweed' is … They both grow straight up and fall flat on their face!'  Wonderful song - they don't write them like that any more!

  • OG - I am jealous of your haggis. Lovely to have a family willing to be photo-ed.

    I invented 2 meals over weekend. First was chicken with crispy bacon. I couldn’t see a recipe in books or online that didn’t take hours and/or lots of ingredients. Finally I threw together chicken, dash of mayonnaise, onion and topped it with a few bits of fried-to-a-crisp bacon. It received thumbs up! For the second I made tuna patties with a small tin of tuna (flavoured with sun-dried tomatoes & basil) and mashed potato. OH does not like tuna, or any tinned fish. When asked how he liked it, it was good but not as good as the chicken AND he didn’t realize it was fish! I suggested if I had added bacon, he would have ranked it higher. LOL

  • WE HAD RAIN!  It came on about 11 pm and lasted into the early hours – then seems to have drifted off to Moffat as usual.  Pleased it stopped as we are going shopping in M&S Food this afternoon. 

    Keep forgetting to say, new occupants opposite still don’t seem to be completely moved in, and when they are there seem to live on takeaways!  They (or family members) are doing some slow building works at the back, so we wonder whether they don’t have a kitchen at present.  Cars there and in the road most of the day; cement mixer going (but seems to be a quiet electric one) and still lots of visitors bringing in items of furniture.  They don’t seem to want to speak, but they do seem to be known to many locals who shout when they pass; still can’t find out where previous occupiers moved to!

    Chrisy – I didn’t have brothers or sisters, and all my family lived (cousins still do) in the south of England – apart from cousin who is taking Belgian citizenship because of Brexit!  OH has a brother who is now in Bristol near two of his family – third one lives in Yorkshire and we see her occasionally if she travels to see her student children in Glasgow!

    Annette - pleased you sat down some of the time yesterday!  Not long till you are off to AZ in August – I hope it will be a visit for pleasure and not work this time.

    Linda – pleased to read that your face cream and exercises both seem to work.  It is difficult to fit such things into the day!

    AQ – chicken dish sounds interesting, but I won’t eat tuna in prepared dishes.  OH and Son would eat bacon with everything if I would let them – I try to limit processed meat to once or maximum twice each week.

    Must stop now and encourage OH to do something productive before lunch!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • PatO/OG: Thanks to you PatO for that line from the Honeysuckle/Bindweed song - now I remember it.

    OG: I was reading that some folks were taking second citizenship in order to protect themselves post-Brexit (whatever that turns out to be - seems like a bit of a shambles at this point).  Next trip to NM/AZ will be for pleasure, thank heaven.

    House is falling apart.  Turned the rod on the blinds to close them last night and one of the strings snapped, then another, then another.  Blinds are now hanging by one thread and slumped at the window. Do I take them somewhere to be restrung or just buy new ones....   Sigh.   What will break next I wonder?   I know it won't be the wretchedly inconvenient refrigerator/freezer coz I just hate it and those things go on forever....

    Have serious paperwork to do today (bills, filing, etc.)

  • ANNETTE- our friends in Rancho Mirage had plantation shutters. They were great, or so I thought! I think that is what they were called.

    I've come inside for a break, trying to tidy up front garden and using leaf blowy sucky thing. I find it very heavy. I wonder if newer models are lighter to hold?

    AQ - I quite like tinned tuna in a sandwich or a jacket potato but have never cooked with it. I used to make fishcakes with hot smoked salmon and mashed potato, for my OH. These days I am far too lazy to do much real cooking. It doesn't seem worth it, for one person - sorry if that sounds pathetic, I don't mean it to be!

    This Brexit thing is rapidly turning into a shambles.

  • I like tuna, too:  AQs ideas sound good.  We also try not to eat bacon and ham products etc, too often, since the last scare. It's hard to extract from all the endless information on what's good or bad for us what exactly is safe to eat, these days! If we took too much notice we'd end up with little on our plates......

    I'm sure there are several versions of the leaf blower thingys, Heather. Perhaps look in Argos or B&Q? I don't think I'd go to much trouble just for myself when cooking, either. When my OH was out yesterday I had a couple of vegetarian patty things with veg and cashews in, you just put them under the grill. I realise now when looking around M&S that they have many good offerings for one: an aunt of mine used to travel miles to her nearest M&S just to stock up and not have to fuss over her meals, and I didn't blame her!

    The Brexit Thing has got to such proportions now that we mentally switch off when it's mentioned, and it seems to be taking forever. I just hope it doesn't bring the present Government down as that would be disastrous for the country. I suppose the main problem is that T. May was actually a Remainer and is not putting her whole heart into our exit strategy. The great British public could well be very annoyed indeed if the whole thing is fudged. I'll shut up now as I try not to be political as it can be divisive!

    By the way, I went to the Docs with the happy news that my medications/exercises seem to be working and she said "Keep it up, and come and get your blood pressure checked occasionally by the nurse". So I will! (I do feel much better)

  • Annette - Its a sad fact of life that the items we like least, last for ages.  And other people manage to break your favourite pieces of china!

  • Good that the doc was pleased, LINDY. I like the sound of the vegetable pattie things. Anything like that pleases me!

  • OG- interesting about new neighbours! Maybe you're right, they are putting in a new kitchen. Funny about all the furniture, though.