Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Morning all:  During the night, woke up to realize I'd left my gardening tools in a bucket on the patio in Prescott Valley. :-(((

    Will be back later - am watching World Cup and recording Wimbledon finals and will try to avoid seeing results of latter...

  • Thank you DIANE!

    ANNETTE - new garden tools, then? What a nuisance for you. Anyway, so glad to know that you are safely home.

    OG - hope you had a good lunch and time out.

    LINDY - I haven't done much today, it has been trying to rain. Well - I did go out with eldest daughter to a Craft and Food fair. Bought a few things and tasted a couple of gins that my son might like to stock in his shop. I got all the bumph and have passed it on to him.

    The visiting cat has left his calling card here again. I'm just a bit fed up with being a pooper scooper for a cat that isn't mine! It is a daily thing.

    Everyone - thanks for your posts!

  • Good afternoon.  Had a very pleasant little outing to Caerlaverock – not a lot going on – people or wildlife.  It was a bit cloudy at times – and even felt a raindrop but when I remarked about it, it stopped!    Not good when a Wetland Centre gets short of water – they had to top up meadow ponds with river water last week! They will probably be very busy for the big BioBlitz this coming Tuesday.  My lunch was jacket potato with haggis and cheese, followed by delicious apple and cinnamon slice.  Lovely to see all the wildflowers in the country lanes on the way – but the scent of Meadow Sweet became rather overpowering.  The Honeysuckle and Bindweed covering the hedges reminded me of the song by Flanders and Swann – anyone else remember that?  More sunshine at home – with a fairly strong warm breeze.

    Chrisy – what a good family gathering last week.  Remind me, which city does Haweswater serve with water – Manchester or Liverpool?

    Linda – I hope you can find the hat for Sis in Law at Tatton – and enjoy your day there.  Sounds like a productive pottering day for you while your OH is busy with golf!  The way the dog bed ordering appears on the thread page, it looked at first glance as if you had ordered a new dog!  Didn’t think you would do that but had to check it!

    Lynette – good to see your post – sorry about your sick friend.  What was the verdict about your falls?

    Diane – thanks for the new week, picture and link.

    Wow, Annette.  I never expected you would do that journey in the one day, especially getting home in time to see OH before he went to bed!  I do have another four-generation photo which I am very proud of – Great Grandad, Grannie (his Daughter), Dad and me; I’ll try to attach it here.  I feel very lucky to have known my Great Grandad in the 1950s!  Sorry about the garden tools – an excuse to buy some shiny new ones!

    AQ – sorry your Dau is feeling too poorly even for shopping – maybe she will be better in the second week of the holiday.

    Pat – I have avoided sport today by going out – only saw the closing minutes of Anderson and Djokovic.  Lovely cartoon about the Queen seeing her visitor off!  I’d love to know her opinion on him!

    Heather – I was just thinking this morning we could do with going to a craft fair some time – must look out for one again.  Trouble is, they aren’t always in fully accessible venues!  Sorry about the cat!

    OH has started on dinner, but nobody really feels like eating so I have told him to cook as little as possible.  Looks as if we shall be freezing surplus courgettes already, and we only have the one plant this year!

    Photo mentioned above (guess I do look like Miriam!)


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes OG - just as I said!! I saw it straight away....

  • Oh, you're so like her, OG! (Or should I say, she is like you!!)

  • While on the subject, Miriam herself is on a five-generation photo from other Grandson's wedding: herself, her Daddy, his Dad (daughter's Ex), his Mum, her Mother (being Great, great grandmother!)  I suppose with people living longer this is getting quite common now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Love the video Diane- I have a cat that "meows" just like that!

  • Yes OG, you surely do look like Miriam, or rather the other way around!

  • Love OGs  photograph. I might have got one somewhere, will have to look! About Haweswater, it goes to Manchester, as does Thirlmere, via amazing aqueducts. I believe Liverpool gets it's water from Wales.

    Annette wondered how far away my siblings are - we are scattered right down the country Though of course distances are so much greater in the US! I am still in the region we grew up, luckily getting a good job in the area, and one brother moved back up from Manchester when retired, one is in the Midlands and one in Devon, and my sister is in Cheshire. So we do not often get together. There is a wedding of one of my nieces next year though, so look forward to that.

  • Evening all:  Enjoyed the World Cup match. I'm always rooting for the underdog and Croatia played really well, but am not unhappy that France won.  Had to smile at Macron, all smiles and soaked to the skin.  Noticed that Djokovic had to work pretty hard in that third set to hold onto his lead.  Otherwise, I parked myself in a chair all day and opened mail, etc., with one eye on the telly.  

    AQ:  OH claims he put on weight from eating too many pasta dishes; I was surprised to see I'd lost 5 pounds. Hope you don't pick up the pink eye.

    PatO: And can we blame HM?  :-)

    OG: Glad you had a good day out and managed to wake up enough to enjoy it.  I know of Flanders and Swann, but not that song.  Oh you have indeed passed on your looks to great-granddaughter!  Your granny looks very young.   The one thing I wish is that the card makers would realize there are more greatgrandmothers/fathers around these days.

    ChrisyB;  Even though the UK is much smaller than the U.S. it does seem that getting around there is more challenging what with more cars on older and smaller roads and (according to my sister) unreliable rail service.

    Heather:  Will need to buy a bypass pruner (secateurs?) but just a cheapish one to tide me over until I pick up the good stuff when I'm back in AZ at the end of August.  How about a water pistol for the visiting cat?  Of course, then you'd have to sit there and wait....   Hot chili powder?  Hmmm....

    Finally unpacked the car this evening and organized laundry and ironing loads. Off to Tai Chi in the morning and then a stop at the market to stock up. The cupboard is pretty bare

    Take care all.