Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 May 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Mountain Goat

U. S. National Park Service/Tim Rains
Photo Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello to ALL

    Well, Elgin was good, yesterday! We had a tasty lunch at daughter's house - prawns, Marie Rose sauce, Parma ham, melon and some good cheese and bread and chutney to finish. Then a wander around the shops  - I didn't buy anything!

    The weather has been disappointing today, overcast and none too warm. My son and his family are arriving tomorrow to stay for a few days, so have been preparing for that.

    OG - I remember that ceanothus is also known as Californian lilac. I have two, but prefer the royal blue one to the paler one. At least your OH is making garden noise on a Saturday. It seems to be not quite the thing to make noises on a Sunday, up here. I cringe if Callum has the pressure washer going on a Sunday afternoon!

    ROSY - I'm so sorry that you have a bereavement and some family problems to deal with. I hope that things will settle down in terms of the family problems. Bereavement is something else and will take the course it is meant to take -

    PAT  - that sounds like a whole heap of work, the church magazines. I hope that you will enjoy your few days break, in June.

    LINDY - Glad to read that Bonnie is now fresh and clean. The shaking herself all over the furniture must have caused you to have a big sigh! Can't remember when you are going back home?

    ANNETTE - I'm sure that the bathroom renovations will be fine with you at the helm! I have a New Dawn rose on the front wall of the house, on one side. It looks very similar to your Cecile Brunner. It is very prone to mildew, though...

    Can't remember if I said that the painter will arrive on Tuesday to start the outside work. Also the joiner is coming next week to give me a price for replacing two double glazed units in the conservatory. It just never ends, does it?

  • Glad that Elgin was good, Heather, but sorry you're not getting warmer weather. We had to put light coats on this morning for our walk, but sat out this afternoon, although the sun didn't actually come out from behind the clouds until 4.30 pm.

    We are going to get "A man in" to replace a double glazed unit in the kitchen window, at home. Rather cross about it, as it's not the first replacement, and the kitchen window is actually the newest in the house, as we had the kitchen extended when we moved in. Some of the other windows are still going strong and were put in when my mother bought the house in 1992! Hope yours don't cost too much. I'm also angling for getting a new shower unit, as it's got very slow and weak, so I've threatened to gallop downstairs and use the original shower in the downstairs bathroom (which we give to guests to use). As you say, there's always something needed doing.

  • PS - must admit that I do a lot of sighing when cleaning up after the dog!  When Buzz, our last dog, left us to go to dog heaven, we said we wouldn't have another, as we wanted to travel more and dogs can be tying. But my OH was like a lost soul, and said he missed taking a dog for a walk, so we looked at the possibility of getting another and he brightened up so much, I gave in.

    We may go home on Monday, but it will have to be evening, after all the day trippers have left from the coast.  (My spellchecker changed that to "strippers.....")

  • Hello, again.  Wind dropped – now a very pleasant evening – expecting same tomorrow but hotter.

    Linda – pleased to see you got Bonnie cleaned up, and no greasy mishaps on her morning walk.  Sounds as if it could have been greasy residues in a cooking pan got emptied on the grass – people are so careless.  Sorry the hoses weren’t there – maybe you’ll come across them on a different walk.

    Heather – pleased you enjoyed the day in Elgin – lovely lunch too!  So, your Daughter-in-law has decided she will visit before she pops – probably a good idea for Bella to see you again before you go down to look after her and Sam.  Nobody seems to bother about garden noise on a Sunday here anymore – I personally hate the smell of barbequed meat when I am enjoying my garden!  You have a busy week ahead with work on the house – I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Just two of us going to church tomorrow – I think J wants to get busy with his accounts and polishing all his shoes!  It looks as if his contract is continuing next school year – never believe it before it happens as the year he was moved to primary it was changed even after the confirming letter had come!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!