Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 March 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Hope EE had a great birthday!

Grizzly Bear
U.S. National Park Service, NPS Photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Linda – that did seem an unusually short break for you – sounds as if your OH has benefitted from it, and I hope you have too.  Now I hope you can look forward to some good weekends in Wales and then the cruise in autumn – with no more setbacks!

    Diane – lovely pic for spring, the Pheasant-Eye Narcissus – always loved them, and they are often scented too.

    Rosy – sorry family problems are continuing – ours is also ongoing and very wearing.  Maybe less in our thoughts once Grandson’s wedding has happened and is no longer available as a blackmail weapon!

    Lovely sunny day today, but both been busy indoors.  J got the blood test results: nothing worrying showing up, so we have to assume it was migraine and look out for it and log it if it happens again.  He will be driving his own car again from tomorrow, so no more taxi of mum and dad!  If the weather is decent tomorrow, we are going to take the car for its first motorway outing – probably for an afternoon coffee – after morning haircuts.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- glad to hear that nothing apparently untoward, regarding J.

    I'm waiting for SiL to arrive home for his meal. It has been a lovely day here but not a huge amount achieved, haven't felt too great.

    LINDY- have a good journey home! I loved the pic of the hibiscus,wish they could be grown here.

    ROSY/OG- sorry about ongoing family problems.

    Take care, all.

  • My family seem to think that I'm about 120 years old...... My OH was mightily depressed when he was 70, and wouldn't celebrate it, though I did invite a few family members to join us for dinner at home, in the end.

    Thank you, OG for your holiday wishes for us: we are conscious that we have much to be thankful for. I'm glad that J has got the all clear from the blood test, and hope that the migraine doesn't recur. How exciting to go for a spin in the new car! I'm sure you'll get just as fond of it as the old one.

    Heather, enjoy having your young visitor. I know what you mean, some days you look back and feel nothing's got done.....

    Thanks to Diane for reminding us prettily about the Spring - can't come soon enough for me!

    Edit: must go and get changed for our last evening here.

  • My cousins husband is to be buried on the 12th April, which is a long way off so we may plan to go, if possible.

  • Heather - sorry you aren't feeling good - hope you are better tomorrow.

    Linda - I suppose people think 70 is a great age as we remember man's allotted span as three score years and ten, but soon people will be working to 70 and beyond as a matter of course! Having to shorten OH's suit trousers for the wedding this weekend - don't know whether he has shrunk with his age or maybe wore them too long before! That is a long wait for your relative's funeral - will it be a long journey to get there?  I hope the travelling tomorrow goes well and you can arrive home from holiday refreshed.  

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Had a beautiful meal of pasta in an Italian restaurant (I know we're in Spain but it's the same as at home, there's lots of choice!) and my OH enjoyed his grilled Sea Bream, too. Sat looking at the distant waves on the sea, and the stars were out, with a pretty crescent moon. No room left for pud!

    Having a glass of white wine now as we pack the last things: well, there was half a bottle left from the other day! 

    OG - My OH reckons he's shrunk nearly an inch!  We're not sure about why the long time to the funeral, but it could be because of the Easter break. My relative texted me to say he'd sent details in an email, but I can't access my emails without being at home. It is a long journey, as far as we go to our Eldests when we visit, and we usually stay overnight for that! But we may grit our teeth and drive it both ways in one day.

  • Evening all:  Home safe yesterday and busy catching up on everything (laundry/grocery shopping/mail, etc.).  

    Heather:  I'm sure your SiL will be much more comfy and enjoy better meals at your house.  Hope you're doing better now.

    Lindybird: Seems like you'll be on your way home by the time I send this.  Sounds like you've have a relaxing time.  Perhaps your OH will be more inclined to spend three weeks away when you don't have to drive everywhere. Hope the new rental works out.   Heard about the white rhino and possible future attempts to revive the breed.  It all sounds very experimental and uncertain.  Re the funeral, that's a long trip to make in one day....I assume you'll rethink the plan if the weather is bad.

    OG: Good that J is cleared to drive the car.  Hope the weather holds for your afternoon out in the new car.  Also hope this weekend's wedding will go smoothly!

    Diane: Highest number of Snowy Owls, eh?  Any clues as to why?  

    Rosy: Thanks for sorting out the world - maybe you could arrange to sort out the mess in Washington DC next.  The morning I was leaving Prescott Valley for home my granddaughter and grandson had a brief misunderstanding and went off huffing and puffing in separate directions.  My daughter and I were sitting at the kitchen table, mystified. She looked at me and said, "Well at least they aren't mad at me this time."  :-))

    Spring seems very late this year.  Many people in the Montecito mudslide area have been evacuated again due to very large storm heading our way...

    Anyway, have a good Wedneday everyone.

  • With ANNETTE safely home and LINDA on her way today, it feels like we are getting back to normal, whatever that is!  Normal weather now resumed too - mostly sunshine, very little rain forecast here and getting dryer underfoot (soon be watering the garden?  I think not!)

    J will go out for his usual Wednesday escape, but I have suggested he shouldn't overdo it, staying out all day as he did last week.

    LINDA - it's unusual for a long delay through Easter for a funeral - they always used to prefer to get them done before the E weekend if at all possible - but it could be a question of cemetery workers' pay these days.  I guess with two of you sharing the driving you would prefer to go there and back in the one day.

    ANNETTE - Families! I hope the siblings were friends by the time he set off home - it must have been great for you and your daughter to see them all together for a few days - while they were not arguing!  We are hoping our girls might speak to each other this Saturday - otherwise just stay at arm's length to avoid confrontation!  Mother of the bridegroom is only attending the church service, not the hotel reception, to avoid her ex-in-laws!

    I think today's timetable is very much a quart into a pint pot issue - mattresses to recycling (they were closed when he tried on Monday), hairdresser, trip to run new car on Mway - and all the general daily/weekly tasks!  Will see if I can be at all helpful now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • What a beautiful card Diane. Hope all is going well with you and you are nearer to getting your house repairs done.

  • I hit post before I had finished! I went to Eldest Daughters in Silverstone yesterday morning and spent a few hours with the Lovely Luna who is now 11 months old crawling everywhere and jabbering all the time but we can't understand what she is saying but it sounds important.

    I then drove to Oxford to see one of my favourite poets Michael Longley at the Oxford Literary Festival. He is getting on in years now but was very funny and on the ball and some of his readings were beautiful. Then back to Daughters for the night and breakfast with Luna  before Mum and Dad left for work, Luna to her Childminders and me further north to Leicester  Cathedral to see the Richard III shrine. The cathedral is not at all grand but the shrine is wonderful and very fitting.Then the drive back to Suffolk - 400 miles since leaving yesterday morning and my car is 18 years old and a wonder. Drove back through wall to wall sunshine - long may it continue.